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Posts posted by whatever_works

  1. It would be nice to have a Mac for a second machine. Maybe just keep it off line as a proprietary graphics machine.But Mac's unless you work in an environment where their used heavily is a bit of eclectic area. And whenever you indulge in the eclectic you have to get along with a marginalized community.All the topics you read on boards, hear at work/school are geared to the PC market. How often are there discusions in the media discussing nuances or problems with Macs ? Game releases for Mac ? Software?If your using a Mac your gonna get left out of a lot of discusions.Most of the time that I hear Mac owners talking about their systems the graphics ability issue is made and then they go on to defend the ability of them run the PC software, act and function like a PC. So why not just buy the PC and save a lot of money ? Because if you really do, do a lot of intense graphic work for your job, its unlikely your going to use it to connect to the internet and jeopardize hundreds of hours of work to a fleeting bug you downloaded.

  2. Thanks everyone for the replies. "aspnetguy" that was perfect!IE and Firefox seem to hold enough of the market, that that's all I will likely consider.I see Safari has a little chunk, but why would anyone worry about something like Opera ?That very limited group.

  3. In some of my pages the length might get to be a bit.You can see in this page I have some known place anchors that would lead to sections of the page further down, well beyond view of the menu,example.The pages will not be busy, likely a few images linking to larger examples. but the page should load quite fast.So I am wondering should I

    1. Break it into more pages?
    2. Have the menu slide down the page with the content?
    3. Place anchors at the bottom of each section leading back to the top?
    4. Have an anchor back to the top of the page slide down with the view of the reader?

    If you think option 2 or 4 are the best, can you point me to a relative tutorial ?Opinion ?

  4. they are trying to dominate each and every possible cleams of the web industry.
    Isn't that kind of like striving to be the best you can be ?You would prefer some socialist controls that opress those who try hard and are inventive and entrepreneurial ? So that lazy "would-be's" can have a piece of the action ?
  5. . Typically I write XHTML and CSS at the same time, in the same document, and only when I have the general layout (widths, height, fonts, borders) do I move the CSS into a separate document where I can add colours and graphics.http://home.no.net/jonvel/
    That is honestly insightful for this noobie. It never occured to me. You can complete it and then just collect all the non-section specific CSS and move it to a seperate page ! Simple but it makes it a lot easier to undersatnd the flow.Thanx :)
  6. A question to the "masters" and those "proficient (made more than one page)'.When you first perceive a WebPage you want to construct, you either conjure an idea or are given a mandate by an employer you might have something of a visual idea of what you want to accomplish, but where do you go from there ?Do you make a rough sketch on hard paper first ? Do you write the XHTML first and then move to the css? Do you use a split piece of paper with xhtml on one side and CSS on the other ? Or do you just jump on your PC and start hammering code?Possibly for the very proficient you can visualize a lot simultaneously , but as you evolved to that level what methods did you use ?

  7. On all of my browsers (IE7, Firefox, Opera 9) I see that the purple on "www3.telus.net/rick" reaches only to the half of that sign. Is it me, or that wasn't what you had in mind?Other that that, the colors are nice. Much too simple for me anyway, but pleasent non the less.
    Thanks.I definetley should do more testing. I will try it on a few more browser this tuesday.That's undoubtedly a slopy error on my part, I did hack job of getting that bar in.
  8. I have now loaded up my webpage in it's incomplete state.How do you people feel about purple ? :):):) I would appreciate opinions, even a few harsh ones if they're supported constructively.My WebpageI have not built this site from raw coding. I used a template from http://www.benmeadowcroft.com/ . As well I stole a few lines fromhttp://www.bluerobot.com/ .When I feel a little more comfortable with the CSS coding and have moved to a more advanced editor than notepad I will make a page from scratch.Thanks to anyone who has a look.

  9. Meta tags for search engines aren't really a big deal and don't have much of an effect on your site (if any), but if you want to include a description on each page, it would probably make more sense to include it on each page. It would make even more sense to change it from page to page depending on what that page is about.
    Again my thanks.
  10. Should the Meta dexcriptions of the sites content ocur in every page or just the index.html ?What about if the first page is just a brief transition page ?Thank you.

  11. You can set classes with different colors and apply them to different links.<a class="link1">...</a><a class="link2">...</a>
    I am having a simular problem to the original poser of this thread.There is a single recuring instance in my style of "a:visited" that needs to be a different color.To be honest, like so many other posters I realize I have not read enough, or worked through enough tutorials. But I'm a little excited about finally getting a page up.I did about 5 years ago work through a basic html tutorialAnd I have recently read the basic html/xhtml and css tutorials here at w3schools.The page I am going to "slap up onto the web", is mostly stolen/pirated from benmeadowcroft.com and bluerobot.com And then I just played with the variables a bit (what noobster :-) .Ok getting to the question, in the css section of my webpage there is a section that is
    a:visited class="link1"{color:CC00CC;}a:visited class="link2"{color:00CC00;}

    Then all I need to do when posting a link is choose


    Obviously misguided anyone have time to redirect me ?Thank you very much for reading.

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