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Posts posted by Kapacity

  1. <script language="JavaScript">function redirect() {var browserName=navigator.appName;if (browserName=="Netscape"){window.location = "URL for Netscape or FF";}else if (browserName=="Microsoft Internet Explorer"){window.location = "URL for IE";}}</SCRIPT></head><body><img name="home" width="150px" height="50px" src="Graphics/home1.gif" onmouseOver="mouseOver('home')" onmouseOut="mouseOut('home') onclick="redirect()"></body>

    This is pretty much what I'm trying to do. I have linked images that use the onmouseover & onmouseout, however when I add a 3rd function to be called it disables the other two. why is this and how can I get this image to use that redirect function without problems?

  2. When the user clicks on a button, it links them over to a different page on the website. The reason why I need to have a change of direction is if it's a different browser. The two main browsers I'm altering my website to fit is (Microsoft Internet Explorer & Mozilla Firefox aka Netscape). Unfortunately I don't have any code to help out for that I don't even know where to begin scripting this. please help..

  3. <script type="text/javascript">var amount = 12var total = 0function setiframe(){total = amount * 203.33;document.getElementById("vehciles").height = total;}

    I'm trying to get the <iframe> height to change if the amount variable has been altered. The function is called through <body onload="setiframe()". The height of the <iframe> stays to what it's dynamically set to. I used an alert box to check if the variables are processing, they are. Here is the web page that I've been studying to try and understand what might be wrong.http://www.w3schools.com/htmldom/prop_iframe_height.aspPlease help if you can. Thank you for taking the time to read. :)

  4. Hurray! I fixed my little problem. Thank you very much everyone for your assistance. This project is very important and will help me further in the computer industry. Thank you :)PS: Is there a way to close this case as resolved? lmfao

  5. I do thank you both very much. Although I managed to get the protocols activated, I'm still getting a blank screen when I put the <script="text/javascript"> at the beginning of the body and </script> at the end of the body. Can someone explain this a little more in detail.Thank you very much again :)

  6. I've been trying to use these functions in HTML. After looking into why these two functions didn't work, I think I need you use a script language like Javascript in order to activate the functions. If I am correct, I tried adding <script type="text/javascript"></script> at the beginning and the end of my web page. I ended up getting a blank screen.If there is a way to do this only using HTML, please do tell me.Thank you everyone for taking the time to read this. :) PS: I am very sorry if this topic is suppose to be in the Javascript section. Reason why I placed it here is cause it revolves around HTML which is the main base of this project.

  7. I'm developing a website for someone. To be specific, and Automotive website. If I wanted to setup options for adding vehicles and removing vehicles on a web page. Would you suggest using My SQL? If so, how? Now lets remember that I'm doing it specifically because the person is very computer illiterate. Using My SQL I know you can save the name, pricing, etc.. in the database. However, will you still have no choice but to place the image in the website folder to be accessed? I dunno.. HELP!Thank you :)

  8. "The requested has failed" This is from apache when attempting to start the apache server. my php files are located on the c drive in a php folder(C:\php\). As for referenced .DLL. Im not quite understanding what you mean by that. Im still in my training boots m8.If you have msn messenger add me so this will be easier n people don't have to view what a retard I am.K0r0shiya@hotmail.com

  9. I've been trying to get my Apache2 to establish connection with PHP5. I ended up finding out the original package at http://www.php.net/downloads for windows has errors that have to be modified. Well, I went to a site and downloaded the mod. Im going to copy the exact instructions from the readme.txt file and then explained what I did.----------# binary by: Steffen# Mail: info@apachelounge.com# Home: http://www.apachelounge.com/### Runs only with PHP 5.1.0-5.1.6 and Apache 2.2.0-2.2.3 !!# Install:- Copy php5apache2.dll to your php folder (eg. c:/php)- Copy httpd.exe.manifest to apache2/bin- Finally install the Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable Package (the binary is build with VC 2005). Download it from: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details...;displaylang=en# Add to your httpd.confLoadModule php5_module "c:/php/php5apache2.dll"AddType application/x-httpd-php .php# configure the path to php.iniPHPIniDir "C:/php"Note: Remember to substitute the c:/php for your actual path to PHP in the above examples.For extra info see also : http://www.apachelounge.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=570Enjoy,Steffen----------Now, what I'm going to do is show coding before my modifications so that you can pinpoint my location in the http.conf file.I moved those files to the location asked, then..Mod 1LoadModule userdir_module modules/mod_userdir.so#LoadModule usertrack_module modules/mod_usertrack.so#LoadModule vhost_alias_module modules/mod_vhost_alias.so#LoadModule ssl_module modules/mod_ssl.soLoadModule php5_module "c:/php/php5apache2.dll" <-- ModificationMod 2</IfModule>## "C:/Program Files/Apache Software Foundation/Apache2.2/cgi-bin" should be changed to whatever your ScriptAliased# CGI directory exists, if you have that configured.#<Directory "C:/php/"> <-- Modification AllowOverride None Options None Order allow,deny Allow from all</Directory>Not sure where to drop this code PHPIniDir "C:/php"Please dont judge my subject to harsh. Right now its 1:33am in the morning, not sure what Im doing, first timer as webdesigning, and well.. just a noob. I appreciate anyones input on this problem. thanx

  10. Well, sure I've studied PHP, but I'm having one problem. How exactly do I get this program to run. Quick steps would be preferred if possiable. I know it comes with a readme but I just might get an answer here faster then me figuring it out. time is money. :) enjoy pals :)
    Sorry guys, I jusr realised how rude that sounded. Its not that Im to lazy to find the answer. It just takes me awhile. I mean AWHILE.
  11. Well, sure I've studied PHP, but I'm having one problem. How exactly do I get this program to run. Quick steps would be preferred if possiable. I know it comes with a readme but I just might get an answer here faster then me figuring it out. time is money. :) enjoy pals :)

  12. Why do you assume the problem is with http.conf? It looks more like a firewall issue to me.http://www.dnsstuff.com/tools/tracert.ch?i...nt.dynalias.net
    Ok well I didn't get a good majority of what was shown there. However, it obviously is sending packets to see which information is coming back or not. Now I have one question. Is this analysis basically telling me that Im going to have to setup my router to accept ICMP, UDP, and TCP? I have a HTTP protocall for TCP on port 80. That's all. Im confused. Like, there is an obvious reason why my subject is titled "Uber Newb Here". You can't just give me the link and think I'll understand it. Seeing how I've never really dealt with web scripting, I'd suggest leaving a little bit more information to help me out. Doesn't mean I don't thank you however for at least helping. I just wish you could translate what looks to be chinese to me. :)
  13. Ok, Im having troubles with apache.Router: Accepting TCP 80ServerName: www.3ntertainment.dynalias.net(DYNDNS)DocumentRoot: "F:/Webpages"Directory: "F/Webpages"DirectoryIndex: "Main.html"Im only able to view my webpage in "http://localhost". How can I modifed this "http.conf" file so that it posts this information onto my registered domain?Like I said, newbie question. :)

  14. No, it's what the site does. A purely informational site probably won't need much, if any, PHP. Maybe only if you have a content management system for the site. On the other hand, you could have a big web application that does something like, say, manage your clients' projects. In that case, most of the programming would be PHP dealing with authenticating users and reading and writing stuff to and from the database. With a middle-ground site, like maybe an e-commerce site that has a lot of informational content, plus a shopping cart or something like that, it will use a lot of everything.
    Alrighty. Thank you very much for your assistance.
  15. You'll probably use all of those, depending on the type of site. HTML and XHTML are mutually exclusive, you either use one or the other, but you probably know that they aren't very different.
    yeah, I figured that much. However, when you say "depending on the type of site". what categories are there for webpages.ex: industrial, technical, etc.. <-- ?????
  16. Hi, my name is Tyrone. 19 years old. 2 years programming. Just decided to start scripting webpages and what not. Problem, Im not sure which languages would be best for a "noob". Any suggestions?A good majority of my scripting languages are have just been studied. So I dont have the syntex memorized. But;Experience:PHPJavascriptHTMLXHTMLSQL

  17. Name:TyroneAge:18Location:Northern Ontario, CanadaStatus: new member in W3 SchoolIntrests: N/AStarted programming at 16. Im new to this experience of browser scripting and server scripting. Taught myself majority of my computer science.PHP - 75%Javascript - 75%HTML - 100% XHTML - 50%VB6.0 - 90%DM - 100%OOT - 75%FYI: DM(Dream Maker) is a language not known world-wide. Was developed by a programmer to the name of "Dantom". For more information http://www.byond.comSorry guys, first time, SPAM..EH! :)

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