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Posts posted by Joshiii-Kun

  1. is your png transparent?as explorer doesn't render transparant png's, it gives them a grey colour instead.every other browser that i know of displays png's properly:)
    That's the thing, it's not transparent and it's not supposed to be, you see, it's like this...-Begin PNG color 1<gradient>-End PNG color 2 (code #545454)Background-color: #545454; So, it kind of fades to that color, and then the background color 'takes over'.
  2. Hey people,I've been making a test page using the XHTML 1.1 DTD, and so far I'm quite liking it. I'm trying to make the page I made a little prettier (just for fun), however, I've stumbled upon a weird problem. I've made some gradients that appear on the top of an element, and fade to a certain color. In Photoshop, I copied the color code, and put it into my CSS. It looks nice in Firefox, but when I checked my site in IE, I noticed that there was a difference in color. Internet Explorer displayed a lighter color than the one I had specified in the CSS.IE_FF.pngLeft = IE; Right = FF;You should notice a clear difference between how IE rendered the color and how FF rendered it. Is there a way to fix this? And what is causing the problem?Oh, and the CSS for the background is:html{background:#545454 url(back.png) top left repeat-x;}

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