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Posts posted by paulnordstrom

  1. Hello,Whenever I have wanted to add information to a database, I have always opened a recordset, addnew, set the fields = to the form values, update, close the recordset.Is this more intensive to the server than writing the sql script to do an INSERT INTO?I'm just getting into writing and executing sql scripts in an asp page and now im rethinking everything i ever thought...that ever happen to anyone else out there?Thanks,Paul

  2. Actually, I'm positive there would be no editing of this old data. Also, these logs are going to be for each profile's activity, so I think structuring the backups based on each day wouldnt really work. But yes, I would want to call the data in a structured way:

    3/23/2005 8:00:00 pm profileid did this by'x'amount to that recordid
    3/23/2005 9:23:00 pm profileid did this by'x'amount to that recordid
    so in XML could i query everything where the action 'to that' was done to some specific 'recordid'?Dont know if that came accross clearly...Paul
    Well, considering the fact that the traffic on the old data would probably be low, I guess even a txt file having everything is acceptable. But considering you might want to manipulate the data in the rare case it would be called, you would be better off with XML. Scince XML files are "static" files, they can be copyed as easy as an HTML page.If the records per day are large and/or it is expected that at some point, the traffic on the arhives will be large, spiltting each day into it's own XML file and keeping all of the files in an "arhive" folder sounds like the best option to me.
  3. Hey jesh,Thanks for response - the more I got in and looked at the login script, the more I disliked it...I think I'll probably just write a whole new login script using sessions. I think if I'm diligent about expiring my sessions, it wont be too hard on the server. Any way, this application is going on a dedicated server, so I really should be able to use session variables. Do you think theres any value in setting the window name also? Do people ever use window names in login functions?But any way, thank you - I learned something new.Paul

  4. Hi,So say I have data that expires, like yesterday's records - never to be changed again, but still callable whenever you want. At a certain point you would want to move that old data off the server so you wouldnt have to query tons of data, right? If you were to say, schedule an event every night to clean out the past events, what would be best format to send it to? XML? seperate SQL logging table?Also to note - would it make better sense to create an XML file for each contact and keep appending the data to one file? I haven't used XML. Or what about a txt file?Any suggestions would be appreciated,Paul

  5. Hi everyone,I have a login script that sets the window.name (javascript) to test against the querystring throughout the admin pages. The problem is when we have some functionality in a pop-up...the new page has no window.name. If we were to use an ifame to pull in these little functions, would the embeded iframe recognize it's parent's window.name?I realize I could try it to see if it works, but somebody may just know right off the bat and save me some time. So thanks in advance for enabling my lazyness.Paul

  6. Hello World...I am using the fso to create a file that sets a variable that I will use as an include throughout my site. The only problem is, it throws back an error when I try to write the vb tags (carret, percent)Here is what I'm trying to write:

    set fso = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")Set act = fso.CreateTextFile("\file_setID.asp",True)act.WriteLine("<%")act.WriteLine("Dim PHS_setID")act.WriteLine("PHS_setID = " & rsSetup("ID") & "")act.WriteLine("%>")act.close

    Could I use the fso to open the file? Global asa?

  7. Thank you very much - thats kind of what I was thinking had to happen. The thing is I need the backups as soon as they are posted, so I woud probably load the page every minute, loop, and just SELECT * WHERE NOT(NAME = xmlName) or something like that. Im going to check on connectionstrings.com to figure out out to use xml as a datasource.Thanks again, and any other insights would be much appreciated,Paul

  8. Hello everyone - I'm new here so quick background: Im experienced in vbscript, asp and msSQL, however I have never worked with xml or rss before, so that being said i have a question that i think might be sort of traight forward, but...Is there any way to write a backup of a rss feed to a sql database? Real time? Like if you just wanted to log news stories/title/date as they happened...or would you have to have some constantly reloading page that looks for story title that are new?Is there some built in function of SQL to connect to an rss feed?Thanks a lot ,Paul

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