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Posts posted by bluesockets

  1. This sounds like a design problem. You need to store the resulting data somewhere or it is lost on every new request. I would imagine your application has some kind of persistence mechanism where you can store the result of this query, and then on succeeding queries, append the new data to your existing data.If you dont store the results it will get wiped every time.There are many different kinds of scope that you can use, and picking the proper one and implementing it will accomplish your goal. For example if you have a web counter, and you want it to refresh per session visit, you can store the hit count in a session scoped variable. This means that when the user's session expires, the counter will be reset since the user's session data is not persisted. If you want the hit counter to store the hit count beyond the session scope, you'll have to store the hit count in something like a database, which can persist data beyond a session or a request. At the moment, your results get whiped out on every request because I am guessing your application is returning results within a request scope. I suggest using some kind of filter design pattern that intercepts your query and stores it somewhere for later retrieval, probably in a session variable.

  2. I have a spreadsheet created in Excel. It has fields and values that have been laid out using the columns and rows. I want to export the layout of the fields and values into an xsl that i can use to produce a pdf file.Since i want to be able to include images and the like in the sheet, i can't use straight up csv or xml because the linked information is filtered out. I am currently looking at saving the sheet as xml/html, and then extracting the layout information, but its pretty ugly. Is there anything out there that can accomplish what im trying to do?

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