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Posts posted by jblack

  1. Essentially what's going on is I've created 2 drop down menus and the drop down menu with the most items pushes the content I want to put in the body of my table down. I've thrown various things at it and am yet to succeed in correcting this problem. I've read around and, though I may be totally off, what I understand is that the z-index of the parent element is affecting this. I am at a loss as of now and have finally come to ask the question.




    Here's what I've got for you:

    		<style>				body {			background-color: #000000;			color: #8c8c8c;			margin: 0;		}		table.main {			background-color: #0a0a0a;			border: 0px;			padding: 0px;			width: 960px;			height: 100%;			border-spacing: 0px;		}		td.banner {			height: 175px;		}		td.navbg {			background-image: url("images/ccNavBG.gif");			height: 32px;		}		table.nav {			border: 0px;			padding: 0px;			border-spacing: 0px;			margin-left: auto;			margin-right: auto;			position: relative;		}		.dropMenu {			background-color: #0a0a0a;			width: 98px;			visibility: hidden;			z-index: 5;			color: 8c8c8c;			border-left: 1px solid #141414;			border-right: 1px solid #141414;			border-bottom: 1px solid #141414;			display: block;			position: absolute;		}		a {			text-decoration: none;		}		table.adminBar {			position: fixed;			z-index: 3;			right: -128px;			width: 160px;			height: 192px; 			padding: 0px; 			border-spacing: 0px;			top: 25% 		}		td.adminBarBG {			width: 32px;			background-image: url("http://crimsoncourt.hollosite.com/design2/images/adminBarBG.gif");			background-repeat: repeat-y; 		} 		td.adminNav { 			background-color: #0a0a0a; 			width: 128px; 		} 		span.adminHead {  			text-align: center;  			width: 128px;   			padding: 0px;			font-size: 110%;			  		}  		ul.adminFunc { 			list-style-type: none;			padding: 0px;  		}		table.content {			padding: 0px;			width: 900px;		}		span.contentHeader {			margin-left: 32px;			width: 300px;			font-size: xx-large;		}		table.container {			border: 1px solid #8c8c8c;			border-radius: 10px;			position: relative;			z-index: 1;		}		td.news {			width: 350px;			padding: 32px;			height: 200px;		}		td.poll {			width: 200px;			padding: 32px;		} 		span.tags {			font-size: x-small;		}		 		</style>

    And the HTML:

    <table class="main" align="center">			<tr>				<td class="banner"><img src="images/ccBanner.gif"/></td>			</tr>			<tr>				<td class="navbg" align="center">										<table class="nav">						<tr>							<td><a href="index.php"><img src="images/navHome.gif" /></a></td>														<td onmouseover="menuShow(1)" onmouseout="menuHide(1)" style="position: relative;"><a href="clan.php"><img src="images/navClan.gif" /></a>															<table class="dropMenu" id="1">									<tr>										<td><a href="clan.php?action=about">About</a></td>									</tr> 									<tr> 										<td><a href="clan.php?action=members">Members</a></td>									</tr>  									<tr>										<td><a href="clan.php?action=mypage">My Page</a></td> 									</tr>  									<tr> 										<td><a href="clan.php?action=myfiles">My Files</a></td> 									</tr>  									<tr> 										<td><a href="clan.php?action=rules">Rules</a></td>									</tr> 								</table>							 							</td>							 							<td onmouseover="menuShow(2)" onmouseout="menuHide(2)" style="position: relative;"><a href="events.php?action=current"><img src="images/navEvents.gif" /></a>												 										<table class="dropMenu" id="2"> 									<tr>										<td>- <a href="events.php?action=new">New</a></td>									</tr>									<tr>										<td>- <a href="events.php?action=current">Current</a></td>									</tr>									<tr>										<td>- <a href="events.php?action=auction">Auctions</a></td>									</tr>								</table>															</td>														<td><a href="chat.php"><img src="images/navChat.gif" /></a></td>														<td><a href="forums/"><img src="images/navForums.gif" /></a></td>														<td><a href="games.php"><img src="images/navGames.gif" /></a></td>														<td><a href="contact.php"><img src="images/navContact.gif" /></a></td>														<td><a href="gallery.php"><img src="images/navGallery.gif" /></a></td>						</tr>					</table>								</td>			</tr>			<tr><td>			       here is where all the content is pushed down				<table class="content" align="center">					<tr>						<td><span class="contentHeader">News</span></td>					</tr>					<tr>					<td>					<table class="container"> 						<tr>						<td class="news">							<b>Update: Site Status</b><br />							<span class="tags">Posted 11/14/2013</span><br /><br />							Content going in here						</td>						<td class="poll">                                                         stuff going in here						</td>						<td class="news">                                                          stuff going in here						</td>					</tr>					</td>					</table>				</table>							</td></tr>		</table>
  2. Ok, so my town's Chamber of Commerce website is crappy and I get to fix it up. I have no I dea how to make this work, sincethey're requiring me to use this image as a background image on the first page:bkgd2.jpgWhat should I do?

  3. Alright, it only downloads in IE for me. In Fire Fox I get: Fatal error: Call to undefined function: mysql_connect() in /home/www/etherea.obliviousrealms.com/includes/db.php on line 7Which I shouldn't get, because I've never had any problem with it in a .html file or a .php file.

  4. I want to use php in .eae file extensions, but I can't figure this out. I was told to use an htaccess AddHandler command and this is what I did, but it doesn't work:AddHandler cgi-script .eaeAnd yes, I do have htaccess on my server. Is htaccess the way to go, or is there a different way to do this?

  5. I have seen -> in many online scripts and I'm just wondering how that works, I'm not all that new to php, but I haven't been able to figure this out.

  6. Ok, so I want to know how I would use a person's recorded IP address with $REMOTE_ADDR to authenticate in cooperation with sessions. I know how to insert data and update with php into Mysql databases, but how would I auth people based on their IP recorded in the database?

  7. Alright...I don't quite understand what your saying. You shouldn't even need php to popup an error box. you could do something like this:

    <HTML> <HEAD>  <TITLE>Register</TITLE>  <script>   function doCheck() {	int username = document.forms[0].elements[0].value;	int password = document.forms[0].elements[1].value;	int email = document.forms[0].elements[2].value;	if(username == '' || password == '' || email == '') {	 alert("All fields are required!");	}	else {	 document.forms[0].submit();	}   }  </SCRIPT> </HEAD> <BODY>  <TABLE ALIGN="center" WIDTH="50%">   <TR>	<TD>	 <FORM ACTION="doRegister.php" METHOD="Post">	  Username:	</TD>	<TD>	  <INPUT TYPE="text" name="username">	</TD>   </TR>   <TR>	<TD>	  Password:	</TD>	<TD>	  <INPUT TYPE="text" name="password">	</TD>   </TR>   <TR>	<TD>	  Email:	</TD>	<TD>	  <INPUT TYPE="text" name="email">	</TD>   </TR>   <TR>	<TD colspan=2 align="center">	  <INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="Register" onClick="doCheck()">	</TD>   </TR>  </TABLE> </BODY></HTML>

    I wouldn't recommend using this though. It's not always secure and can be edited and changed and used from a person's desktop. A good thing to do with this is check your referrer on the doRegister.php page.

  8. Alright, so I cut out everything that isn't important.What happens here is that it doesn't send the email, I've echoedthe script out to see whats up with it, but I still can't find out whyit won't email. I do have my own email to be sent from also, sodon't crit me about that. It worked fine a little bit ago, but it stoppedall the sudden and I can't figure out why...

    <?$from = "no-reply@etherea.obliviousrealms.com";$subject = "Etherea Web Activation";  $headers = "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n";  $headers .= "From: Web Master $from \n"; $headers .= "Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\r\n";$message = "Thank you for registering at Etherea Web, $username.<br>";$message .= "The following is the information you registered with: <br>";$message .= "<b>Username:</b> $username <b>Password:</b> $password <br><br>";$message .= "Your account is not currently activated. Click the following link to activate your account:<br>";$message .= "<a href='http://etherea.obliviousrealms.com/activation.php?name=$username&code=$code'>http://etherea.obliviousrealms.com/activation.php?name=$username&code=$code</a>";if(mail($email,$subject,$message,$headers)) {echo "You have successfully registered. An email is being sent to you for activation of this account.<br>";}}?>

  9. here's a little better example...Use this to create your table:

    CREATE TABLE `members` (`id` INT( 5 ) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT ,`username` VARCHAR( 20 ) NOT NULL ,`password` VARCHAR( 20 ) NOT NULL ,PRIMARY KEY ( `id` ) ) TYPE = MYISAM;

    Here's the registration code:

    <?php// Made by Jeremy Black. Put my name in this if you use it.$mysql_user = 'user';$mysql_pass = 'pass';$mysql_host = 'host';$connect = mysql_connect($mysql_host,$mysql_user,$mysql_pass) or die("Could not connect. " . mysql_error());$db_select = mysql_db_select($mysql_user, $connect) or die("Could not select database. " . mysql_error());$page = $_POST['page'];if($page != 1) {?><html> <head>  <title>Registration</title> </head> <body>  <table align="center" width='50%'>   <th><center><b>Register</b></center></th>   <tr>	<td>	 <pre><form method="POST">Username: <input type="text" name="username">Password: <input type="password" name="password">Verify Password: <input type="password" name="vpassword"></form><input type="hidden" name="page" value="1">	 </pre><?php}else {?><html> <head>  <title>Registration</title> </head> <body>  <table align="center" width='50%'>   <th><center><b>Register</b></center></th>   <tr>	<td><?php$username = $_POST['username'];$password = $_POST['password'];$vpassword = $_POST['vpassword'];if($username == '' || $password == '' || $vpassword == '') {	 echo "All fields are required!";	 echo " <a href=java script:history.go(-1)>Click Here</a> to go back.";}if($password != $vpassword) {	 echo "Passwords do not match!";	 echo " <a href=java script:history.go(-1)>Click Here</a> to go back.";}else {	 $query = "INSERT into members id,username,password VALUES ('','$username','$password');	 $result = mysql_query($query) or die("Could not run query. " . mysql_error());	 echo "You have successfully registered! <a href='login.php'>Click here</a> to login.";}?>	</td>   </tr>  </table> </body></html>

  10. Alright... so here's my full code, now the other stuff works, but what doesn't work is the updating ofthe database to give you xp. here's the code (look at near the bottom);

    <?phpinclude('database.php');$page = $_REQUEST['page'];if($page == "login") { $username = $_POST['username']; $password = $_POST['password']; if($username == '' || $password == '') {?><table align="center" width="75%" style="border: #8D6D4D 1px solid;"> <tr>  <td bgcolor="#d2b038" align="center"><b>ERROR!</b></td> </tr> <tr>  <td bgcolor="#e3cc80" align="center">You must enter a username and password!</td> </tr></table><?php die; } $q = "SELECT username FROM Arena WHERE username = '$username' AND password = '$password'"; $result = mysql_query($q); if(mysql_num_rows($result) == '1') { setcookie('user',$username,84000); header('location: index.php?file=mfront'); } else {?><table align="center" width="75%" style="border: #8D6D4D 1px solid;"> <tr>  <td bgcolor="#d2b038" align="center"><b>ERROR!</b></td> </tr> <tr>  <td bgcolor="#e3cc80" align="center">Your username/password is nonexistent or invalid!</td> </tr></table><?php }}if($page == 'logout') {setcookie('user',null,-1);header('location:index.php?file=front');}if($page == 'fight1') {$usercookie = $_COOKIE['user'];$rmonster = mt_rand(1,2);$q = "SELECT name,hits,strength,accuracy,defense,xp FROM Arena_Monsters WHERE id = '$rmonster'";$fight = mysql_query($q);$row = mysql_fetch_row($fight);$monster = $row[0];$mhits = $row[1];$mstrength = $row[2];$maccuracy = $row[3];$mdefense = $row[4];$mxp = $row[5];?><table align="center" width="75%" style="border: #8D6D4D 1px solid;"> <tr>  <td bgcolor="#d2b038" align="center"><b>FIGHT!</b></td> </tr> <tr>  <td bgcolor="#e3cc80" align="center"><?php echo "Monster name: " . $monster . "<p />";echo "Hits: " . $mhits . "<p />";echo "Strength: " . $mstrength . "<p />";echo "Accuracy: " . $maccuracy . "<p />";echo "Defense: " . $mdefense . "<p />";echo "XP: " . $mxp . "<p />";echo "<hr>";$q2 = "SELECT username,hits,strength,accuracy,defense,xp FROM Arena WHERE username = '$usercookie'";$character = mysql_query($q2);$row2 = mysql_fetch_row($character);$fighter = $row2[0];$hits = $row2[1];$strength = $row2[2];$accuracy = $row2[3];$defense = $row2[4];$xp = $row2[5];echo "Username: " . $fighter . "<p />";echo "Hits: " . $hits . "<p />";echo "Strength: " . $strength . "<p />";echo "Accuracy: " . $accuracy . "<p />";echo "Defense: " . $defense . "<p />";echo "<hr>";while($hits > 0 && $mhits > 0) {if($strength < 5) {$rndhit = mt_rand(1, 2);$rndhit = $rndhit + round(($accuracy / 2));}elseif($strength > 4 && $strength < 10) {$rndhit = mt_rand(1, 4);$rndhit = $rndhit + round(($accuracy / 2));}elseif($strength > 9 && $strength < 20) {$rndhit = mt_rand(1, 7);$rndhit = $rndhit + round(($accuracy / 2));}elseif($strength > 19 && $strength < 40) {$rndhit = mt_rand(1, 11);$rndhit = $rndhit + round(($accuracy / 2));}elseif($strength > 39 && $strength < 80) {$rndhit = mt_rand(1, 16);$rndhit = $rndhit + round(($accuracy / 2));}else {$rndhit = mt_rand(1, 22);$rndhit = $rndhit + round(($accuracy / 2));}$mon1hit = mt_rand(1, 3);echo $usercookie . " hits a " . $rndhit . " on " . $monster . ".<p>";$mhits = $mhits - $rndhit;echo $monster . " hits a " . $mon1hit . " on " . $usercookie . ".<p>";$hits = $hits - $mon1hit;echo "<b>" . $usercookie . "</b>: " . $hits . " <b>" . $monster . "</b>: " . $mhits;echo "<hr>";}if($hits < 1) {echo "The " . $monster . "has killed you!";echo "You have died. You will be automatically revived when you<p>";echo "go <a href='index.php?file=mfront'>here</a>";}if($mhits < 1) {echo "You have killed a " . $monster . ". You have gained " . $mxp . " experience.<p>";echo "You have also earned " . $rndgold = mt_rand(1,13) . " gold.";$q3 = "UPDATE Arena SET xp = 'xp + $mxp',gold = '$rndgold' WHERE 'username' = '$fighter'";$run = mysql_query($q3) or die("Could not run query.");}?></td> </tr></table><?php } ?>

  11. Thanks...I'll try that, though I have no doubt that is what it is.EDIT -> Now the monster dies, but I still hit high numbers, even with the quotes gone.

  12. Ok... so I'm making a huge arena type script to deal with levels and monsters and xp and such... The registration and logging in works fine... The members list works fine. But I can't get the core of it down. The fighting comes out with really wierd things...Ok so my strength in this program is 1, just use that as a variable and remember it. The problem I have with it though is that I hit really obscenely high numbers and the enemy monster can have like -58 hp and the fight still will not end. The fight only ends when your own fighter dies...Also, I hit the high numbers as 21...Anyway lets get on with the show here's the code, minus some things that deal with the login, registration, logout, etc...*One more thing, the mysql database looks like this:FIELD TYPE NULL DEFAULTid int(5) No username varchar(15) No password varchar(20) No email varchar(30) No hits int(3) No 10 strength int(100) No 0 accuracy int(100) No 0 defense int(100) No 0 race varchar(20) No faction varchar(20) No rank varchar(50) No gold int(11) No 0 xp int(5) No 0

    <?phpinclude('mydatabaseinfo.php');if($page == 'fight1') {$usercookie = $_COOKIE['user'];$rmonster = '1';$q = "SELECT name,hits,strength,accuracy,defense FROM Arena_Monsters WHERE id = '$rmonster'";$fight = mysql_query($q);$row = mysql_fetch_row($fight);$monster = $row[0];$mhits = $row[1];$mstrength = $row[2];$maccuracy = $row[3];$mdefense = $row[4];$mxp = $row[5];?><table align="center" width="75%" style="border: #8D6D4D 1px solid;"> <tr>  <td bgcolor="#d2b038" align="center"><b>FIGHT!</b></td> </tr> <tr>  <td bgcolor="#e3cc80" align="center"><?php echo "Monster name: " . $monster . "<p />";echo "Hits: " . $mhits . "<p />";echo "Strength: " . $mstrength . "<p />";echo "Accuracy: " . $maccuracy . "<p />";echo "Defense: " . $mdefense . "<p />";echo "<hr>";$q2 = "SELECT username,hits,strength,accuracy,defense,xp FROM Arena WHERE username = '$usercookie'";$character = mysql_query($q2);$row2 = mysql_fetch_row($character);$fighter = $row2[0];$hits = $row2[1];$strength = $row2[2];$accuracy = $row2[3];$defense = $row2[4];$xp = $row2[5];echo "Username: " . $fighter . "<p />";echo "Hits: " . $hits . "<p />";echo "Strength: " . $strength . "<p />";echo "Accuracy: " . $accuracy . "<p />";echo "Defense: " . $defense . "<p />";echo "<hr>";while($mhits > '0' || $hits > '0') {if($strength < '5') {$rndhit = rand(1, 2);}if($strength > '4' && $strength < '10') {$rndhit = rand(1, 4);}if($strength > '9' && $strength < '20') {$rndhit = rand(1, 7);}if($strength > '19' && $strength < '40') {$rndhit = rand(1, 11);}if($strength > '39' && $strength < '80') {$rndhit = rand(1, 16);}else {$rndhit = rand(1, 22);}$mon1hit = rand(1, 3);echo $usercookie . " hits a " . $rndhit . " on " . $monster . ".<p>";$mhits = $mhits - $rndhit;echo $monster . " hits a " . $mon1hit . " on " . $usercookie . ".<p>";$hits = $hits - $mon1hit;echo "<b>" . $usercookie . "</b>: " . $hits . " <b>" . $monster . "</b>: " . $mhits;echo "<hr>";}?></td> </tr></table><?php } ?>

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