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Posts posted by mattrd

  1. i have a table with borders defined in the css. looks great in firefox but no borders shows up in IE on the empty cells. what is going on? this is my code.Here's my html

    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"><html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" /><title>Untitled Document</title></head><body><div id="panel"><table cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" class="list">	<tr>		<th>Client Id</th>		<th>Last Name</th>		<th>First Name</th>		<th>Date of Birth</th>		<th>Soc Sec #</th>	</tr>			<tr>			<td><a href="/participant/goto/9" >9</a></td>			<td>example-b</td>			<td>Mary</td>			<td>1980-01-11</td>			<td>123342453</td>		</tr>				<tr>			<td><a href="/participant/goto/2" >2</a></td>			<td>Participant</td>			<td>Test</td>			<td>1988-01-07</td>			<td>232456767</td>		</tr>				<tr>			<td><a href="/participant/goto/17" >17</a></td>			<td>Sample</td>			<td>Jane</td>			<td>1981-01-01</td>			<td></td>		</tr>				<tr>			<td><a href="/participant/goto/16" >16</a></td>			<td>Sample</td>			<td>Jane</td>			<td>1982-01-01</td>			<td></td>		</tr>				<tr>			<td><a href="/participant/goto/1" >1</a></td>			<td>Sample</td>			<td>Jane</td>			<td>1982-01-01</td>			<td>222334444</td>		</tr>				<tr>			<td><a href="/participant/goto/3" >3</a></td>			<td>sample-a</td>			<td></td>			<td>1988-01-11</td>			<td></td>		</tr>		</table>		</div></body></html>

    and here's my css

    #panel table.list th, #info table.list th {	border: 1px solid #42949C;	background-color: #D8F3F3;	height:21px;}#panel table.list td, #info table.list td {	border: 1px solid #D8F3F3;	height:21px;}

    any help would be greatly appreciated. thank you.

  2. Ok, I understand all the latter stuff...(i.e. style sheets must be different etc...) I don't understand however what the code that you gave me is... why it needs to be inside comments... and where it should go. I put it in the header right. But I tried changing the background in the IE style sheet and it didn't work. Let me know what is wrong. Sorry... I've got some things very clear but other are obfuscated.
    the commented code is called a conditional comment. It comments out different blocks of code depending on what browser you're using. The first line for instance will be commented out in all browsers except IE6. The 2nd line will be commented out in all browsers except IE7. Understand? So the first line will load the ie6 stylesheet only if the page is being viewed in ie6. the 2nd line will load the ie7 but will only load it if being viewed in ie7. in other browsers such as firefox or opera, these lines will be commented out, thus not loading the ie stylesheets.
  3. okay I don't know what i'm doing wrong, but I can't seem to get this to work the way i want it to. I have 5 divs all floating left so they are next to one another in a line. there is top_right, top_spacer, top_middle, top_spacer, and top_right. What I want to happen is when you change the window size, I want the spacer to allow the nave to stretch as big as the screen and likewise when you shrink it, but it's just not working. go to the page and you'll see what I mean. What am I doing wrong, and can anyone help me??http://www.matthewrdaniels.com/resize.htmlhere's the code.

    <div id="container"><div id="top"><div id="top_left"></div><div id="top_spacer"></div><div id="top_middle"></div><div id="top_spacer"></div><div id="top_right"></div></div></div>

    and here's the css

    /* CSS Document */container {	width:100%;	height:auto;	margin:0 auto;}#top_left {	width:18px;	height:56px;	background-image:url(../images/top_left.gif);	background-repeat:no-repeat;	float:left;}#top_middle {	width:521px;	height:56px;	background-image:url(../images/top_middle.gif);	background-repeat:no-repeat;	float:left;}#top_right {	width:22px;	height:56px;	background-image:url(../images/top_right.gif);	background-repeat:no-repeat;	float:left;}#top_spacer {	width:25%;	height:56px;	background-image:url(../images/top_spacer.gif);	background-repeat:repeat-x;	float:left;}#top {	width:100%;	height:56px;}


  4. i have margin:0 auto; in my container css. no, I'm not working on the live version. I will upload it once it works, I guess you can't see it scrolling in the 800 x 600 view... unless i can upload it to my server.

  5. This could solve some problems, center your div like this:body { text-align: center; }maincontainer { margin: 0 auto; text-align: left; }
    wow. it actually works! I could have sworn i tried the margin:0 auto; but i thought made the container stay to the left... Thanks so much! but the problem still remains in 800 x 600 that the bottom scroll bar appears and allows you to scroll a little bit to the right, and decreasing the container size doesn't fix it. wanna try and tackle that one??
  6. AH! I see what you mean. Hmmm that's weird, never seen that before. I'll check your code.Why do you have this: left:50%; position:absolute; margin-left:-397px; margin-top:0px; overflow:hidden;
    that's how i've always centered container divs. i position it absolutely, move 50% to the left, the give it a negative left margin which is half of the width to move it back. now I know there is a flaw... i don't know of any other way to position a container into the center except for the margin-left:auto and the margin-right:auto, but that for some reason allows scrolling in 800 x 600. :)
  7. here's the css code that is causing the problem.

    #container {	width:785px;	/*height:auto;*/	border-left: 1px solid #000000;	border-right: 1px solid #000000;	left:50%;	position:absolute;	margin-left:-397px;	margin-top:0px;	background-color:#E4F3D4;	overflow:hidden;}

    I tried setting margin-left and margin-right to auto and it worked, but when view in 800 x 600, I had the option to scroll slightly to the right. I don't want to be able to scroll at all. I tried shrinking the container even more, but it didn't solve the problem.

  8. okay, I have a container div holding all the other divs in the site. the problem is when you shrink the browser window, it goes left off the screen but the browser doesn't allow you to scroll left to see what isn't being shown, it only allows you to scroll right. I looked at my css and I don't see any problem, I compared it to other css codes that are similar and their's works fine, but mine doesn't. Can anyone help me out? I would really appreciate it. here are the links.http://crccreek.ianncomm.comhttp://crccreek.ianncomm.com/css/style.cssThanks in advance to anyone for their insight.

  9. not sure exactly what you want to happen but I did this and "do stuff" shows up fine.</html><head> <style type="text/css"> .TableLayout {WIDTH="100%"; HEIGHT="50";}</style></head><body> <table CLASS="TableLayout"> do stuff </table></body></html>

  10. http://dev.esin.ianncomm.com/public/abouthttp://dev.esin.ianncomm.com/css/public.csshttp://dev.esin.ianncomm.com/css/screen.cssthe container should be expanding so the column on the left fits inside the page, but instead the overflow is being shown flowing outside of the container. I can't give this a fixed height because the height of the container changes page to page. I have the height set to auto but something is not working. I don't know what the problem is. Can somebody help me please?
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