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Posts posted by davidpearse

  1. Does anyone know of a script or some sort of feature that allows me to put a "whiteboard" in my website?When I say whiteboard, I mean a note-taker of sorts, something that will let me, and others (with usernames), write and store text and save it so they can log off, log on again and see what they wrote? I realise I could just use a forum, but I want something that somebody can easily find and take notes in any time they want.Sorry if I'm not being very clear, but I don't really know how else to explain this :) Thanks in advance :)Edit: Preferably something that doesn't take up too much bandwith.

  2. Damn. I don't have the ASP file. I just copied it off another website, and I'd probably need to be the admin to get that file :)When I copied it, messages were written into the source, so I presumed I wouldn't need anything else. Is there any way that I could "make" that file or replicate the original?

  3. [quote name='justsomeguy' post='56207' date='Jan 22 2007, 04:03 PM']When you are using any server-side languages such as ASP or PHP, you need to access them through a web server. That is, the URL must start with http://. If you start it with file:// it won't work. If you are hosting on Windows 2000 or XP Pro, then you need to install IIS and configure it to serve ASP pages.[/quote]Hmmm. I tried putting in "http://./AddGuestBook10x7.asp". I suppose the name of the website goes in there too, right? So it would be "http://name.whatever.com/AddGuestBook10x7.asp" ? Sorry if I have it completely wrong, but I'm not so great at writing code :) I hit the submit button just to test it out, and insted of "could not find.....", Firefox gave me a "Problem loading page", which I can only guess means that I actually have to host it first.What I'm not sure of is whether the file should be a completely seperate page to the actual guestbook or not. I'd presume it wasn't, considering that the site I got it from had the messages written into the source, although I wouldn't be too sure.Thanks for the help.
  4. Sorry if this is in the wrong forum, but I was having a little trouble with some source code I "borrowed" :) It's for a guestbook for a site I'm planning to build.

    <html><html><head><title>FES Guestbook</title><link rel=stylesheet type='text/css' href='../FESstyle.css' title='style'></head><body class='back'><table border='1' cols='1' rows='2' height='30%' width='66%'><tr><td align='center'><p><font size='+2'>Guestbook</font></p></td></tr><td align='left'><form method='POST' action='./AddGuestBook10x7.asp'><table><tr><td width='25%'><p>From: </p></td><td width='75%'><input type='text' name='_from' size='30'></tr><tr><td width='25%'><p>Email Address: </p></td><td width='75%'><input type='text' size='30' name='_email'></td></tr><tr><td width='25%'><p>Web Site: </p></td><td width='75%'><input type='text' size='30' name='_url'></td></tr><tr><td width='25%'><p>Country: </p></td><td width='75%'><input type='text' size='30' name='_country'></td></tr><tr><td width='25%'><p>Message: </p></td><td width='75%'><textarea cols='60' rows='6' name='_mesg' wrap='virtual'>Test</textarea></td></tr><tr><td colspan='2' align='center'><input type='Submit' value='Submit' method='Submit'></td></tr></table></form></td></tr></table><br /><table border='1' cellpadding='3' width='66%' cols='5'><tr><td colspan='5' align='Center'><p><font size='+2'>E-Pirates Guestbook</font><br /><font size='+1'> Welcome </font></p></td></tr></table><br /><table border='1' cellpadding='3' width='66%' cols='4'><tr><td width='25%'></body></html> </html>

    When I open this in Firefox, it comes up. However, when I hit the "submit" button, it says "Firefox can't find the file at /C:/Documents and Settings/........../AddGuestBook10x7.asp.". I have no idea what to do here. If someone could give me a quick explanation of how to fix this, I would be really really greatful. I realize that I could take one of the tutorials on ASP, although I'm a little stuck for time at the moment, and I'm not exactly an expert on code either.In the source code I took it from, the messages were written into it (I edited them out),if that's of any use.Thanks in advance, and help is really appreciated :)

  5. I'm having a little trouble with my website. Whenever I try to preview it on Mozilla, the only thing that shows up is the black background. I actually just "borrowed" some of the source code for the navigation bar from my school website, although it was working fine on it's own.The navbar page has a logo on the top that stretches out across the length of the page. (Could that be the problem?) Here's the navbar code (it's called navbar2.html):

    <html><head><title>titleofpage</title><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"></head><body bgcolor="#000000" topmargin="0"> <table cellspacing=4 cellpadding=0 style="border-collapse: collapse" bordercolor="#111111" height="426"> <tr><td height="175"> <img border="0" src="title.gif" width="800" height="157">   </td></tr> <tr><td height="30"><a href="index.html">   <img src="homepic.gif" border="0" alt="SGS Home Page" width="125" height="25"></a>  </td></tr> <tr><td height="29"><a href="page2.html">   <img src="faqpic.gif" border="0" alt="Useful information about the school including photos of our new buildings" width="125" height="25"></a></td></tr> <tr><td height="34"><a href="page3.html">   <img src="blogpic.gif" border="0" alt="Including  Choir, Debating, Irish Activities.." width="125" height="25"></a></td></tr> <tr><td height="34"><a href="page4.html">   <img border="0" src="stuffpic.gif" alt="The 4th Year Programme which develops a variety of skills" width="125" height="25"></a></td></tr><tr><td height="23"><a href="page5.html">   <img border="0" src="gamespic.gif" alt="The 4th Year Programme which develops a variety of skills" width="125" height="28"></a></td></tr>   <tr><td height="31"><a href="page6.html">   <img border="0" src="linkspic.gif" width="125" height="25"></a></td></tr>  </table></body></html>

    Don't mind the "alt" stuff, that's just the bit I haven't gotten rid of yet.Now here's the index code (index.html):

    <html><head><title>thegermansareafterme.tk</title><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"></head><body bgcolor="#000000" text="ffffff"><img src="title.gif"width="700" height="125"><h1>Welcome!</h1><p>This is a test.</p></body></html>

    Finally, here's the one that ties the two together (maintest.html):

    <html><head><title>thegermansareafterme.tk</title><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"></head><body bgcolor="#000000" text="ffffff"><frameset frameborder="0" border="0" framespacing="0" rows="*"> <frameset cols="155,640*" frameborder="0" border="0" framespacing="0">   <frame name="leftFrame" src="navbar.html">  <frame name="mainFrame" src="index.html">  <noframes>  <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF"></body>  </noframes></frameset></frameset><frameset></frameset></html>

    Sorry that was a little long, and sorry that the names are screwed up, which just creates more hassle, but I plan to fix that once I get this website working. Thanks for your time :)

  6. Hello everyone. I've just started learning html, and so I'm not that familiar with the ins and outs it. I'd like to ask a few questions, if you don't mind.1. How can I create a navigation bar? I tried the tutorial on this site, but it didn't seem to work too well.The background colour on the website I'm working on is black, and I'd like it to blend in with it if at all possible.2. Is there any way I can add sounds to certain pages, so that when one opens, a sound plays? Also, are there any good webistes where I can get sounds like that?Thanks for your time, and if I think of any more questions, I might post them up.Sorry for being a n00b :)EDIT: Also, can I change the colour of text in a hyperlink? Or do I have to create buttons in flash or something?

  7. Hello everyone :) , i'm Dave and I'm new here. I'm 15 and I've just started using html, so I'm still learning. I don't have a website yet, but I'm working on one and I'll post a link once it's up. Bye for now.

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