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Posts posted by donspeck

  1. Yes, I had that problem too. Many examples in html use uppercase letters wherever they want. It works because html is not case sensative, although valid xhtml is always all lowercase (or is that just tags?). JS however is case sensative so when you use the same name you got used to in html it doesn't work. It doesn't generate an error, it does something totally different.

  2. If you add an onerror event handler (like in W3schools JS onerror tutorial) or use FF - Tools - Error Console it will make it easier to debug errors like that.To summerize for others the troublesome code was that the body object does not have getElementById, its the document object and the d in Id was capitalized (ALWAYS check character case)

  3. One last question- I haven't managed to do a styling thing in JS with a combinated event. I tryed something like:
    document.body.style.color.onClick = 'red';

    But it doesn't work.. Do you have any ideas?

    Even if there were a color object and it had an onclick event handler this code would not work because the C is capital. What would happen is the color object would be dynamically assigned an onClick method.Sorry Guys, I know, like a pit bull, but I suspect people are having trouble with this but they just don't know what the ###### is happening.
  4. justsomeguy: Great answers! It all seems so clear now. Only 996 questions to go (for man of 1000 questions).jesh: like I said in my last post I just wanted to raise a red flag for newbies and that it was the CamelCase error combined with an assignment error that really caused me problems.

  5. aspnetguy: Thanks for the online software reference, I know how to search though. I was wondering if anyone knew of a program (hopefully free or online like W3C validation) that could find errors like the ones in the code I submitted. This may not be possible. I downloaded Northgate Coda which touts full js syntax parsing and it did not report any errors. (I hope that didn't sound like too much of an asshole, OK I am an asshole, but I wasn't trying to be mean.)jesh: You are totally missing my point, I don't care about what fontcolor and fontsize do but how they are spelled. You mentioned the html dom (shouldn't that reference be lowercase to conform with xml standard?); it too is plagued with dropouts from what could have been a lowerCamelCase standard, i.e. the anchor object properties charset and hreflang. I haven't looked for more but it doesn't matter, once you find one, the standard is broken.javascript is case sensitive, which is the only rule I know about for it's variable names, go ahead, make up AnyCraZfunc() name you want. What I've been trying to get at is if a convention or standard was set for the build in js objects and the dom variables. I was thrown off because a false standard of lowerCamelCase is implied because of it's prevalence and because HtmL's liberalness allows CamelCase versions of all lowercase js labels (like devguru using onKeyDown in it's examples).I have been trying to sum this up as simply as possible so other beginners won't fall into the same trap.For example, W3Schools has an alert in it's javascript variables section IMPORTANT! JavaScript is case-sensitive! I noticed that and made a mental note. I think it would be nice if it also said something like lowerCamelCase if used often in the html dom but is not a standard, each variable name must checked individually for use of capitalization.Anyway, in a simple example of CamelCase misspelling I would run the code, nothing happens, go back check the spelling or just try different spellings until the code did what I expected. However, the code I presented has an interesting combination of errors which made it much harder to determine what was going wrong. I thought it worked for at first! The image is loaded, the page is loaded message appears, then the Hi message appears. If anything was wrong the load function would not have executed and if anything was really wrong the script would have been stopped and no Hi message and an onerror event triggered right? nope! I didn't notice a problem until I went to more and bigger images (and started clearing my cache) and the onload function was obviously being called before the image was loaded.How do I fail thee, let me count the ways: image1.onLoad = load 1 error, onload misspelled, Hi msg displayed, load never executed. image1.onload = load() 1 error, parenthesis on func name, load executes immediately, no Hi msg. onerror function called, line not implemented image1.onload = Load 1 error, load misspelled, no Hi msg, load never executed. onerror function called, 'Load' not defined image1.onLoad = load() 2 errors, load executes immediately, Hi msg displays image1.onload = "load()" 1 error, quotes, Hi msg displayed, load never executed. image1.onload = load correct, Hi msg displayed, then load function executed after image loaded. however, if image is cached, load then Hi, just like 2 errors.Why are there no onerror calls except if parenthesis or function misspelled? Why is there an error 'line not implemented' but the function on that line is called?If javascript realizes Load is not defined and generates an error why not do the same for an undefined obect label?Why no error for an invalid argument in quotes?

  6. I got used to the first idiosyncrasy I found in javascript by pulling my hair out for two days; I was hoping I could get used to any other ones by finding a list of LOOKOUT for this items or a synopsis of protocol like I submitted and jesh nicely wrapped up in one sentence (although what about fontcolor and fontsize for the string object)aspnetguy I'll take a look at that later; surfs up! gotta go skim.Thanks Guys

  7. What I am saying is that choco's comment (and yours) is totally irrelevant to this topic which is javascript syntax.The code I submitted validates XHTML 1.0 Strict (Why do they capitalize XHTML when they want everything in the document to be lower case? I'm getting a headache!)Is there a way to validate or syntax check javascript?

  8. I've been trying to sum up this syntax issue and it seems like I'm not the only one confused about when to use CamelCase, even the authors of javascript couldn't maintain a standard (i.e. string object methods include toUpperCase and ToLowerCase but also fontcolor and fontsize).devguru incorrectly lists the names of events (except for onload) in CamelCase. W3Schools incorrectly lists event names in CamelCase on it's window object reference page but correctly in all lowercase on it's javascript event reference page. However, neither have any examples, that I could find, that reference the event labels in javascript, only in html. W3Schools uses valid xhtml, devguru does not.To summarize: xhtml - everything, except text displayed on the page, should be lowercase javascript - case sensitive, leans toward lowercase but CamelCase applied whimsically no rules for when an uppercase letter will appear in a label so each must be tested individually

  9. Validation is great, but I'm talking about when your up all night trying to get a page working for a client that has a show today. From what I've seen the major browsers accept HtmL in any case combination but Javascript is strictly case sensitive ( great, now I can write that OnMoUsEoVeR function I've been dreaming about )XML requires lowercase, my code was in lowercase except where I felt instructed to CamelCase, no problem.Speaking of purism, this is a Javascript (JavaScript?) forum.Hey, I'm getting really sarcastic, time for sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep

  10. justsomeguy: I think devguru has it right, from what I've tested onload must be all lowercase in Javascript and can be any combination of upper or lower case in HtMl.jesh: I haven't tested all the events for case sensitivity but I did test setTimeout and it only worked in CamelCase. This is going to get really scary if some things in Javascript are case sensitive and some things are not.

  11. Correction: image1.onLoad = load will NOT work image1.onload = load worksThis error fails as I would expect; nothing happens.Javascript appears to be case sensitive, while html is not. The W3Schools HTML DOM reference incorrectly specifies the name with the capital L for the window object (there is no reference to the onload event under the Image object ?) but correctly uses the lowercase l in the Javascript tutorial and reference, however, oddly enough, when searching for onLoad on W3Schools there are two seemingly identical pages in the jsref directory, jsref_onLoad.asp and jsref_onload.asp.I know this seems nit picky but for a newbie it's very frustrating to spend hours tinkering with code trying to figure out why its not acting right to find out its l not L and not "l" in quotes or no (). Anyway, maybe I just need a better syntax checker. (Using PSPad now, trying to do it free til I know if I'm any good)Who came up with the lower case first letter then capital letters in the middle of labels anyway?

  12. Good tip on the code location. I was executing it from a local drive with the image file on the net. This allowed me to turn off my modem to test the code; the local html loads and runs and the image load waits. I was assuming the Tryit Editor was operating in the same fashion; it appeared as if the code was already in my browser and would execute without accessing the internet. However, the Tryit Editor was not running the html code until the modem was turned back on; which is why the Hi message did not appear immediately as it should.The code is incorrect. Parenthesis should be omitted from the function name when assigning a value to the onLoad variable (all function name variables?); i.e. image1.onLoad = load; this works. I guess this threw me off because all syntax errors I've encountered before were ignored by the browser and nothing happened; in this case the function was executed immediately.

  13. I typed the code below into the Tryit Editor v1.4 to see whether the onLoad function would properly wait until an image was loaded before being called. It worked perfectly; turn off my modem and no message until I turned it back on and the image was loaded. Then I copy and pasted it into a file, loaded into FF2 and IE6, cleared their cache, turned off the modem, but the messages would appear immediately in both.

    <html><head><script type="text/javascript">function load(){alert("Page is loaded");}</script></head><body><script type="text/javascript">var image1 = document.createElement('img');document.images[0] = image1;image1.src="http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l162/donspeck/engulfed/Sunsets/1000.jpg" image1.onLoad = load();alert("Hi");</script></body></html>

    I did expect the Hi to come up immediately since the onLoad should have just registered a function to be called on another event, but I think thats another topic.

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