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Posts posted by jessmess

  1. Okay so I've been customizing my blog the past week or so and I noticed that the layout page in blogger now doesn't work. Normally, this page would display all the widgets in the sidebar and whatever so you can edit them easily. I guess I must've done something that screwed this up…. Can anyone take a look if they know anything about blogger and how it populates this layout page? I would really appreciate it. The blog url is http://words-ina-jar.blogspot.com Thanks!~Jess

  2. Hi, I'm trying to right align a menu…in other words, I want the menu items to do exactly what they are doing now, but facing the other way. I want the black block to flow from a line in the center column towards the left of the screen, with the text following. Here is the site: http://www.words-ina-jar.blogspot.com This is what I have for menu code:

    /* Menu -------------------------------*/#PageList1 h2 {display: none;}#menu-wrapper {	 float: left;	 width: 300px;	 margin: 0 0 400px -320px;	 padding: 0;	 }#menu {	 position: relative;	 float: right;	 margin:0;	 padding: 20px 0 0;	 }#menu ul {	 margin: 0;	 padding: 0;	 }#menu ul li {	 list-style: none;	 margin: 0 0 5px;	 }#menu li a {    text-align: right;	 padding: 2px;	 font-size: 20px;	 color: $bodycolor;	 background: #000000;	 }#menu li.selected a {	 color: #fff;	 }

    I would really appreciate any help. Thanks,~Jess

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