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Posts posted by Lulzim

  1. even though your user has no password you have to specify the user.

    mysqldump -u root database_name > e:/sql/alpha2.sql

    try running the command on command line first to see if you get the desired result and then put int on php script

    and if you are on windows, you might have to include the full path to mysqldump (something like "c:program filesmysqlbinmysqldump.exe -u root database_name > e:/sql/alpha2.sql")

    • Like 1
  2. You just had to make a few small changes:

    <?php$dateFromDb = new DateTime($replace_this_with_your_date_from_db); #don't forget to fix this line$currentDate = new DateTime();$difference = $currentDate->diff($dateFromDb);if($difference->m>=1){	echo "1 month has passed please register.";}else {	echo "Carry on";	}
  3. Something like this?

    $dateFromDb = new DateTime('2013-08-16 10:55:14');$currentDate = new DateTime();$difference = $currentDate->diff($dateFromDb);if($difference->m>=1){	echo "years: ".$difference->y."<br />";	echo "months: ".$difference->m."<br />";	echo "days: ".$difference->d."<br />";	echo "hours: ".$difference->h."<br />";	echo "minutes: ".$difference->i."<br />";	echo "seconds: ".$difference->s."<br />";}
  4. Get the required information from a form, then generate php code and save it to a file.

    Something like this in your case:

    <?php$string = '<?php $db_host = "'. $_POST["db_host"]. '";$db_uname = "'. $_POST["db_uname"]. '";$db_pass = "'. $_POST["db_pass"]. '";$db_name = "'. $_POST["db_name"]. '";?>';$file = fopen("config.php", "w");fwrite($file, $string);fclose($file);?>
    • Like 1
  5. The difference Include_once and include (same as require_once and require) is that *_once will check if the file was included/required before, it will not include it again.

    And the difference between include and require is that require will stop the execution of the script if it cannot find the file required and generate a fatal error. While include will only issue a warning and continue the execution of the script.



    So for essential code, as in this case DB connection, require_once is best.

    • Like 1
  6. Yeah, try to look at error_log if you don't set display errors as thescientist suggested.


    Here are a few errors you have:

    Notice: Undefined variable: nameپست in ...

    Meaning if you are going to put a variable inside a string, concatenate it or enclose on {}Warning: mail() [function.mail]: "sendmail_from" not set in php.ini or custom "From:" header missing in ...

    The email you typed "info@keivanstone.ir <>" is not a vaild email. Remove <> or format it properly.


    Also, change this line $_SESSION['captcha'] = $num . $num2; to $_SESSION['captcha'] = $num+$num2; because it is very confusing.


    Look at the code I posted above, I have fixed all these errors :S


    I have already solve it.. but i have new problem now..


    Error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'Quantity='10' WHERE ProductCode='F01'' at line 7


    This is my Code


    $query = mysqli_query($con,"UPDATE product SET

    WHERE ProductCode='$_POST[PC]'");


    Just FYI, the way you are constructing the query is very dangerous.

    Read through this page so you can see what can happen and how to protect it


  8. I tested your script and here is what I found:

    -You need to use session_start() if you are going to use sessions. That is why $captcha != $_SESSION['captcha'] will always fail.


    -About the captcha, did you mean to add the two numbers and enter the result on the text box, or just concatenate them? Because as it is right now, if you add them, lets say you get 24 + 10 and you enter 34 it will not work. As it is right now, for that example you should write 2410.


    Here is the complete code that worked for me

    <?phpsession_start(); #was missingini_set("display_errors",1); #remove this on production, needed it to see any errors$php_self = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];//$error_name = " you don't enter name.please enter you name.";// on submit$mail_sent=0;$error_name = $error_email = $error_subject=$error_body = $error_captcha = '';if( isset($_POST['name']) && isset($_POST['email'])&&isset($_POST['subject']) && isset($_POST['body']) && isset($_POST['captcha']) ){    $name = $_POST['name'];    $email = $_POST['email'];	$subject = $_POST['subject'];    $body = $_POST['body'];    $captcha = $_POST['captcha'];           $error = 0;    // name    if( $name == "" ){ $error=1; $error_name = "class='error'"; }    // email    if( $email == "" ){ $error=2; $error_email = "class='error'"; } 	// subject    if( $subject == "" ){ $error=3; $error_subject = "class='error'"; }    // body    if( $body == "" ){ $error=4; $error_body = "class='error'"; }    // captcha    if( $captcha == "" || $captcha != $_SESSION['captcha']){ $error=5; $error_captcha = "class='error'"; }       // no error, send email    if( $error == 0){                                                // your email address        $address = "info@keivanstone.ir";                   // email subject        $subject = "New body";        // email content        $content = "نام:$nameپست الکترونیک:پیام شما:$email$body";        // html email        $email_content = "<!doctype html><head><meta charset='utf-8'><title>".$subject."</title>";        $email_content .= "</head><body>";        $email_content .= $content;        $email_content .= "</body></html>";                                              // headers for html email        $headers  = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "/r/n";        $headers .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8' . "/r/n";        $headers .= "From: info@keivanstone.ir" . "/r/n";        // send email        mail($address, $subject, $email_content, $headers);                          // reset variables        $name = ""; $email = ""; $body = "";        $mail_sent = 1;                                                               }}else{    $name = $email = $subject= $body = $captcha = ''; }// captcha$num = rand(1, 40);$num2 = rand(5, 25);   $verif = $num . "+" . $num2;$_SESSION['captcha'] = $num . $num2;       if( $mail_sent == 1 ){    echo "<h1>از تماس شما سپاسگزاریم.تا48 ساعت آینده پاسخ خود را دریافت خواهید کرد.<br/>گروه سنگ آنتیک کیوان</h1>";} else {    echo "    <form action='".$php_self."' method='post'>    <p><label for='name'>نام:</label> <span class='required'>*</span></p>    <input type='text' ".$error_name." name='name' value='".$name."'>    <p><lable for='email'>پست الکترونیک:</label> <span class='required'>*</span></p>    <input type='text' ".$error_email." name='email' value='".$email."'>  	<p><label for='subject'>موضوع:</label> <span class='required'>*</span></p>    <input type='text' ".$error_subject." name='subject' value='".$subject."'>    <p><label for='body'>پیام شما:</label> <span class='required'>*</span></p>    <textarea ".$error_body." id='body' name='body' style='width:460px;height:119px;'>".$body."</textarea>    <p><label>جمع دوعدد:".$verif."?</label> <span class='required'>*</span></p>              <input type='text' ".$error_captcha."  id='captcha' name='captcha' value=''><br/>     <input type='submit' value='ارسال'/>    </form>";}?>
  9. this is what i changed: if($miles == "" || $numberOfStops == "" || !ctype_digit($miles) || !ctype_digit($numberOfStops))

    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"><html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" lang="en" xml:lang="en">        <head>                <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />                <title>Passenger Train</title>        </head>        <body>                <form action="PassengerTrain.php" method="post">                        <?php                        		$numberOfStops = $_POST["numberOfStops"];                                $speed = 50;                                $weatherDecrease = 40;                                $stop = (60 - $numberOfStops) * 5;                                $miles = ($_POST['miles']);                                $numberOfStops = $_POST['numberOfStops'];                                if(isset($_POST['submit']))                                {                                        if($miles == "" || $numberOfStops == "" || !ctype_digit($miles) || !ctype_digit($numberOfStops))                                                echo "<p />Please fill in your information appropriately.";                                        else                                        {                                                if($_POST['weather'] == '1')                                                        $result = $stop * $miles / $speed;                                                else if($_POST['weather'] == '2')                                                        $result = $stop * $miles / $weatherDecrease;                                        }                                }                                echo "<p />Miles:<input type='text' name='miles' value='' size='1' maxlength='3' />";                                echo "<p />Number of stops:<input type='text' name='numberOfStops' value='' size='1' maxlength='3' />";                                echo "<p />Good weather:<input type='radio' name='weather' value='1' checked='checked' />";                                echo "<p />Bad weather:<input type='radio' name='weather' value='2' />";                                echo "<input type='submit' value='OK' name='submit' />";                                echo $result;                        ?>                </form>        </body></html>

  10. if(isset($_POST['weather']) == '1')$result = $stop * $miles / $speed;else if(isset($_POST['weather']) == '2')$result = $stop * $miles / $weatherDecrease;

    in this case isset($_POST['weather']) returns true , you actualy are checking if (true=='1')so it should be

    if($_POST['weather'] == '1')$result = $stop * $miles / $speed;else if($_POST['weather'] == '2')$result = $stop * $miles / $weatherDecrease;

    also variable $numberOfStops is empty, use $_POST["numberOfStops"] instead

  11. I think there is a problem with the quotesyou should use " " or ' ' instead of ”” and ’’also the textarea should have an id by which you can use getElementByIdhere is an example

    <html><body><textarea id='test'>aksjdhkajhdjkas</textarea><br><input type='button' onclick="document.getElementById('test').value='';"  value='clear'></body></html>

  12. I know how to make popus in javascript. And there are many types of pop ups. Javascript handles these well, but I'd rather do this server-side with PHP, not client-side.
    What do you mean by that? To use php as a replacement of javascript to open pop-ups? If so then the answer is no. You can use javascript to open pop-ups and display content form a php script.


    to change the values on the second select box using php you should submit the data to a php script, not with mailto:also you forgot to put the submit button here is how it works:first select the computer and click 'select speed' buttonthen choose other parts and click 'submit order' button

    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"><html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" lang="en" xml:lang="en">        <head>                <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />                <title>CompuDeal</title>        </head>        <body>                <h1>CompuDeal</h1>                <p />Welcome to CompuDeal! Please fill out the form below to order a computer product. Our form is simple and fool proof to use.                <form <?				if ($_POST["selectbox1"] != "")					echo "action='mailto:martin.vanputten@gmail.com'";				else					echo "action='".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."'";				?> method='POST'>                        <p />Computer:                        <select name="selectbox1" id="selectbox1" onchange="document.getElementById('selectbox2').selectedIndex='0'">                                <option value='c1'>PC</option>                                <option value='c2'>Notebook</option>                                <option value='c3'>Workstation</option>                        </select>                        <p />Speed:                        <select name='selectbox2' id='selectbox2'>                                <?php                                        $a188 = 'AMD Athlon 1.88GHz';                                        $a200 = 'AMD Athlon 2.00GHz';                                        $t220 = 'AMD Turion 2.20GHz';                                        $o188 = 'AMD Opteron 1.88GHz';                                        $o200 = 'AMD Opteron 2.00GHz';                                        if(isset($_POST["selectbox1"]))                                        {                                                echo "<option value=''>Speed:</option>";                                                switch ($_POST["selectbox1"])                                                {                                                        case 'c1':                                                                echo "<option value='c1speed1'>", $a188, "</option>";                                                                echo "<option value='c1speed2'>", $a200, "</option>";                                                                echo "<option value='c1speed3'>", $t220, "</option>";                                                        break;                                                        case 'c2':                                                                echo "<option value='c2speed1'>", $t220, "</option>";                                                                echo "<option value='c2speed2'>", $o188, "</option>";                                                                echo "<option value='c2speed3'>", $o200, "</option>";                                                        break;                                                        case 'c3':                                                                echo "<option value='c3speed1'>", $t220, "</option>";                                                                echo "<option value='c3speed2'>", $t220, "</option>";                                                                echo "<option value='c3speed3'>", $t220, "</option>";                                                        break;                                                }                                        }                                ?>                        </select>                        <p />Memory:                        <select name='memory'>";                                <option value='m1'>512MB</option>                                <option value='m2'>1GB</option>                                <option value='m3'>2GB</option>                        </select>                        <p />Space:                        <select name='space'>                                <option value='h1'>80GB</option>                                <option value='h2'>160GB</option>                                <option value='h3'>320GB</option>                        </select>                        <p>All computers are fully loaded and have NVIDIA 7900 GS 256MB graphic cards.</p>						<input type='submit' value='<? if(!isset($_POST["selectbox1"])) echo "Select speed"; else echo "Submit order"; ?>'>                </form>        </body></html>


    But I don't think the onchange is working properly because there isn't anything inside the selectbox2. Any suggestions?
    it works fine here :Ssecond select box doesn't have any options in it, but this code below creates new options inside second <select> based on the value selected in selectbox1
    for (var i = 0; i < speeds[selection].length; i++){var opt = new Option(speeds[selection][i],speeds[selection][i]);speed[speed.length] = opt;}


    a <select> cannot contain another <select>, they can contain only <option>and in every form, there should be something to click in order to submit the data, usually a submit buttonhere is a good tutorial for html forms http://www.w3schools.com/html/html_forms.asphere is the same script, but this time with javascript

    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"><html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" lang="en" xml:lang="en">        <head>                <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />                <title>CompuDeal</title>								<script type='text/javascript'>				var speeds = new Array();				speeds[0] = new Array ("AMD Athlon 1.88GHz", "AMD Athlon 2.00GHz", "AMD Turion 2.20GHz")				speeds[1] = new Array ("AMD Turion 2.20GHz", "AMD Opteron 1.88GHz", "AMD Opteron 2.00GHz")				speeds[2] = new Array ("AMD Turion 2.20GHz", "AMD Turion 2.20GHz", "AMD Turion 2.20GHz")									function change(selection) 					{								var speed = document.getElementById("computerspeed");							speed.length = 0;							for (var i = 0 ; i < speeds[selection].length ; i++) 							{								var opt = new Option(speeds[selection][i],speeds[selection][i]); 								speed[speed.length] = opt;							}											}				</script>									        </head>        <body onload="change(0);">                <h1>CompuDeal</h1>                <p />Welcome to CompuDeal! Please fill out the form below to order a computer product. Our form is simple and fool proof to use.                <form action='mailto:martin.vanputten@gmail.com' method='POST'>                        <p />Computer:                        <select name="computer" id="computer" onchange="change(this.selectedIndex);">                                <option value='PC'>PC</option>                                <option value='Notebook'>Notebook</option>                                <option value='Workstation'>Workstation</option>                        </select>						                        <p />Speed:                        <select name='computerspeed' id='computerspeed'>						</select>                        <select name='memory'>                        <option value='512MB'>512MB</option>                        <option value='1GB'>1GB</option>                        <option value='5GB'>2GB</option>                        </select>                        <p />Space:                        <select name='space'>                        <option value='80'>80GB</option>                        <option value='160'>160GB</option>                        <option value='320'>320GB</option>                        </select>                        <p />All computers are fully loaded and have NVIDIA 7900 GS 256MB graphic cards.                        </select><br>						<input type='submit' value='Submit' >                </form>        </body></html>

  13. here is one way to do that:save your images with names :image1.jpgimage2.jpg....image10.jpgthan add this

    <?$number = rand (1,10);echo "<img src='images/image".$number.".jpg' >";?>

    each time the page is reloaded a random image will be displayed


    It is better to do this using javascript, because values in second select box change without reloading the page.Since you requested in php forum, here is an example in php.

    <html><body><form action='' method='get'>Computer: <select name='selectbox1' id='selectbox1' onchange="document.getElementById('selectbox2').selectedIndex='0';"><option value='c1'>Computer 1</option><option value='c2'>Computer 2</option><option value='c3'>Computer 3</option></select>    Speed: <select name='selectbox2' id='selectbox2'><?if (isset($_GET["selectbox1"])){	echo "<option value=''>Select speed</option>";	switch ($_GET["selectbox1"])	{		case 'c1':			echo "<option value='c1speed1'>C1 S1</option>";			echo "<option value='c1speed2'>C1 S2</option>";			echo "<option value='c1speed3'>C1 S3</option>";			break;		case 'c2':			echo "<option value='c2speed1'>C2 S1</option>";			echo "<option value='c2speed2'>C2 S2</option>";			echo "<option value='c2speed3'>C2 S3</option>";			break;		case 'c3':			echo "<option value='c3speed1'>C3 S1</option>";			echo "<option value='c3speed2'>C3 S2</option>";			echo "<option value='c3speed3'>C3 S3</option>";			break;	}}?></select>   <input type='submit' value='submit' ></form><br><?if (isset($_GET["selectbox1"]) && isset($_GET["selectbox2"]) && $_GET["selectbox2"]!=""){	echo "Computer: ".$_GET["selectbox1"]."<br>";	echo "Speed: ".$_GET["selectbox2"];}?></body></html>

  14. here in university we have a router/gateway which has a public ip address and the internet is shared to usersthe router's ip is, my ip on my computer is i communicate with computers in my network I am, but when I browse the web I'm is impossible (as far as I know) to get the ip address of a computer on an internal network

  15. something like this?

    <html><head><script type='text/javascript'>function resize(size){	document.getElementById("txt").rows+=size;}</script></head><body><textarea id='txt'  name='txt' cols='30' rows='10'></textarea> <br><input type='button' onclick='resize(1);' value='+' ><input type='button' onclick='resize(-1);' value='-' ></body></html>

  16. add this line to css area{ cursor: url('path_to_cursor_file'), default; }

    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"><html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /><title>chotaGolf</title><style type="text/css"><!--body {margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;margin-left: 0px;margin-right: 0px;}area{cursor: url('path_to_cursor_file'), default;}--></style></head><body><div align="center"><table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td><div align="center"><img src="asd.jpg" width="1024" height="566" border="0" usemap="#Map" /></div></td></tr></table></div><map name="Map" id="Map"><area shape="rect" coords="273,172,344,191" href="about_golf.html" /><area shape="rect" coords="433,170,450,191" href="index_01.html" /></map></body></html>

    don't forget to replace path_to_cursor_file with the file name you want to use

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