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Posts posted by scottf

  1. I got a gig helping to get this site running on wordpress, and I cannot figure out why most pages redirect to the homepage. The htaccess doesn't have anything but wordpress stuff in it. This is the site:http://capecodwithinreach.com/ Notice, if you type anything after that, like the pages i am trying to create, it redirects home.http://capecodwithin...com/newpage.phphttp://capecodwithin...still-redirects However, things like:http://capecodwithin...om/wp-login.phpstill go to the right place. Why is this, and how can I stop it? I can't create any pages! Thanks!

  2. My goal is to send an email at the time indicated below. (Every weds at 12). Here is my current code:

    <?php date_default_timezone_set('MST');$file = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/entries.txt"; //Path to your *.txt file$contents = file($file);$string = implode("", $contents);    $to = "april@coastalmountaincreative.com";$subject = "My subject";$txt = $string;$header = "From: scott@avvecc.com";  $d = date( "w");$h = date( "G"); if ($d == 3) {if ($h == 12) { mail($to,$subject,$txt,$header);file_put_contents("entries.txt", "");}} ?>

    It works great, however if no one visits the page at 12 that day it never gets sent. How can I make it so it sends no matter what? Thanks.

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