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Posts posted by ZeRgII

  1. Ummm, loading problem... hmm I've not yet to run into this sort of problem. (I'm pretty new)It's possible that the organization of the code needs a bit work.If there is no organization problem then try using some javascript (or w\e language) to automatically refresh the page onLoad. I'll try to get some code for ya brb.EDIT:Here, maybe this can help you.

    <html><head><script type="text/javascript"><!--function delayer(){	window.location = "URL"}//--></script></head><body bgcolor="#000000" onLoad="setTimeout('delayer()', ####)"></body>

    KEY:URL- Put the URL that this page is to have it redirect to itself (refresh)####- The number in milliseconds you want the delay to occur. ex.(5000 = 5seconds in milliseconds)

  2. Lol yeah. I kinda just threw that float:top in there :S just to see if it did anything significant. I did not see it from a ref lol :). Thanks alot for all the help. I resolved every problem I had ^^

  3. The id's were just examples in the actual code it is words like "banner" "body" "leftnav" etc. What I was just attempting before I viewed your post was... Inserting 2 <div> into a single <div> to get my desired outcome. It's going to look something like this....

    <html><head><style>#one{bg-img: (banner);}#two{;}#three{bg-img: (nav);}#four{bg-img: (bod);}</style></head><body><div id="one"></div><div id="two"><div id="three">(content)</div><div id="four">(content)</div></div></body></html>

    That's just a breif overlook of what I was just about to attempt. Would this be wise or should I stick with my original ideas?lmfao... I think I found one of my major mistakes... #3 }<--- reversed tags hehe :s float: top; width: 400px; border: 0px; background-image: url("imag3.ext"); {

  4. Seems like everyone is off teh internet or somthing :) I'll come back around in a few hours to see if anyone can figure out my prob. Remember, my current problem is: I can't get the main area to show (which is gray in the iamge). The BG image it's self is 400px by 400px trying to fit into a perfect 400px by 400px section. Even if the image wasn't able to fit (as a background image) into the space shouldn't it still show on the page somewhere?This is suppose to be a simple background image. I'm rly just messing around trying to learn css through the if you fail try try again method. Now I turn to you all.


    h1 {font-size: 29px; color: red}  h2 {font-size: 25px; color: green}

    That would be

    h1 {font-size: 29px; font-color: red}h2 {font-size: 25px; font-color: green}

    (you had "color" it's "font-color")Also, I believe those extra "}" are not needed.From the looks of it you copy pasted your code from a different page and tried editing certain things with out the knowledge. Read some tutorials from w3schools.com, did me a world of good ;]

  5. Alright well... I got the left nav bar showing via background so I know that the main section can be visible as well. How though? To fix the blue all I did was add height: 400px; to the head under the correct section. Adding a height attribute to the main section did absolutely nothing visibly atm.I can also use <img src="image3.ext"> under the correct <div>... This shows the image but it's out of place.When I have text in the third div tag it appears under the left navigation bar.

  6. Okie well... what I've been doing is going through tutorials and trying to teach myself web design.I'll let you check the code first then explain my problem.

    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"><html><head>	<title>Messing Around with CSS Positioning...</title>	<style type="text/css">			#maincontain		{			width: 500px;			margin: auto;		margin-top: 100px;		}				#1		{			float: top;			width: 500px; height: 100px;			border: 0px;		background-image: url("image1.ext"); 		}				#2		{			float: top;			width: 100px;			border: 0px;			background-image: url("image2.ext");		}	#3	}		float: top;		width: 400px;		border: 0px;		background-image: url("imag3.ext");	{		</style></head><body><div id="maincontain">	<div id="1">(contents here)	</div>		<div id="2">(contents here)		</div>	<div id="3">(contents here)	</div></div></body></html>

    If your all pro and such you might have guessed my problem...My problem being that only one of these images will show up as a background. This code here isn't "my" code, just a replica. My real stuff is at home.*No I have no typos in any of my coding at home - I checked several times*I'll come back and post an image of basically want I want it to look like. so brb ;]

  7. Lol, I did ignore the order in which I powered my machines. I didn't know it was significant to networks :\.By the way, the laptop is not mine. It is usually in the office though. So I'll assign a static IP and keep it that way so I don't have to mess with it later. Error's while trying to look @ the laptop through another client or the server is a "permission" for access error. I'm not familiar with networking laptops at all. I'll be messing around with it alot today though so hope i figure it out. I'll come to check this post out later thnx.

  8. On the left navbar it seems a bit tacky to have "-->" as the marker. I would use a graphic. Also, while surfing through the left nav bars, they change alot. That could probably get someone confused and/or lost on your page.ex:Topic: About MARAD*first page left nav*-brief history-how we evolved-MARAD functions-Challenges--------------------*after clicking on Brief History*-Brief History-->-How we evolved-MARAD Functions-Challenges-The Structure--------------------Wouldn't you want the left nav bar to stay the same through-out that category? Just seems like you would.

  9. Alright well, I have a small office network. There are 3 clients one being a laptop 2 being desktops and a server running windows server 2003. This is a hybrid Network.Note: Laptop is currently occupied so I cannot conduct any experiments with it atm.Problem 1:The laptop(IP102) can ping my Desktop(IP100)but my Desktop(IP100) can't ping the laptop(IP102)Note: Laptop is (of course) running wirelessly.Problem 2:Looking @ network places on the Server(IP103), I can see and access all clients accept the laptop(IP102). Looking @ network places on my Desktop(IP100), Myself and the Laptop(IP102) are the only 2 showing up and I can't access the laptop.While looking @ Boss's Desktop(IP113), I can see every computer hooked up to the network. I just can't access the laptop(IP102)Not sure what the laptop views on the network places. I'll find out soon though.All the other clients and server can't access the laptop. All computers have internet access. accept for the server... *sigh* Help out lemme know what you guys think. I believe my problem is a DHCP problem. And I think i know what I'm suppose to do with the laptop but go ahead and give me your ideas ;o

  10. Thank you very much someguy for the example it explains alot ^^.Would you recommend I go out and buy a book on PHP? Or is everything I need right here on http://www.w3schools.com/ ?Note: Web developing isn't really my thing, but the more I learn, the more I want to learn. Heh, so who knows maybe I'll start being a web developer instead of a Network Administrator :)

  11. ( conn , if , case , sql statement, cn.close, update,...)
    As soon as you started listing that stuff, i got confused lol. Well that just goes to show i need to read up and do some homework :sBut where exactly should i start? ASP? mySQL \ SQL? PHP?Which is more capable of accomplishing what I need to be done? <!--This would help, I don't feel like learning each language to find out I just need to know one. Whats the differences in these different db scripts? *Off to read*
  12. I'm the network administrator of a pool company.I am expected to build a website with certain features such as, enabling a current customer to log into the website to see the time schedule on their pool. My biggest issue here is... I've never had any sort of experience with asp or sql or anything outside of HTML CSS and Javascript. I've looked through the tutorials from http://www.w3schools.com/ , but the tutorials are some what limited in my opinion. If someone could show me some examples that would be great.--Also: I am also creating a page that will let new customers insert their information so that we may reach them very easy.All I have is the form and input tags. Now all I need to know is how to send this information in an organized and readable manner to my boss's email. Please send me in the right direction, ty. :)

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