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Posts posted by Lakshmi

  1. Hi.I want to uploading a video file (.mpeg format like ) i.e. a user can upload a file on the server. Now this file can be viewed by someone. For this i need to convert this file to .swf format so that it can be viewed in a flash player. Can anyone help me how to do it. (ASP .NET using VB.NET).Thanks for any helpLakshmi.

  2. Hitake one more field (image type) in your table.and use this code$sql="select Image,Imagetype from images";$rs=mysql_query($sql) or die("Couldn't get file list sorry"); $imgtype = @mysql_result($rs, 0, "Imagetype"); $imgcontent = @mysql_result($rs, 0, "Image"); header("Content-type: $imgtype"); //have script display as Image type echo $imgcontent;ob_end_flush();may be this will help uregardsLakshmi

  3. HiI've the problem to valdate the date field. Date: <input name="txtissue" type="text" id="txtissue" size="16" maxlength="8">(DD/MM/YY)how to validate the date.if any one can enter like 12/34/06.how can i validate the month,like date and yearPlease help any one.Thanks and RegardsLakshmi

  4. Are they both numbers?a1=Math.floor(document.newp.amt.value);a2=Math.floor(document.newp.otheramt.value);total=(a1+a2);
    Yes Both are numbers.its working fine.Thanks a lot.
  5. Hi I 'm gettimg small error.pls look into this a1=document.newp.amt.value; a2=(document.newp.otheramt.value);total=(a1+a2);i'm trying to addina1 ,a2 but thy r concatinating.how to add variablespls help me..

  6. HiI'm creating image using GDI'm Getting this error"Warning: imagecreatefromjpeg(): 'shows/sf_2688/159166Winter.jpg' is not a valid JPEG file in /home/content/s/m/i/smileplz/html/netvision/newimagerotation.php on line 266"there is limitation of size to create image?my file size is 64kb...Plz help any one ..Thanks

  7. Have you declared the class/structure "VARIANT" anywhere in your code? The error seems to suggest not.

    i'm running this example...<?php/*$empty = new VARIANT(null);print $empty->type // ==> 1*/?><?php// Some servers may have an auto timeout, so take as long as you want.set_time_limit(0);// Show all errors, warnings and notices whilst developing.error_reporting(E_ALL);// Used as a placeholder in certain COM functions where no parameter is required.$empty = new VARIANT();// Load the appropriate type library.com_load_typelib('word.Application');// Create an object to use.$word = new COM('word.application') or die('Unable to load Word');print "Loaded Wordpd, version {$word->Version}\n";// Open a new document with bookmarks of YourName and YourAge.$word->Documents->Open('c:/newfile1.doc);// Fill in the information from the form.$word->Selection->GoTo(wdGoToBookmark,$empty,$empty,'lakshmi'); // Note use of wdGoToBookmark, from the typelibrary and the use of $empty.$word->Selection->TypeText($_GET['YourName']);$word->Selection->GoTo(wdGoToBookmark,$empty,$empty,'23');$word->Selection->TypeText($_GET['YourAge']);// Save it, close word and finish.$word->Documents[1]->SaveAs("c://{$_GET['YourName']}.doc");$word->Quit();$word->Release();$word = null;print "Word closed.\n";?>i'm using php and linux sever.in linux server com objects are avilabule?
  8. HiWhen i used com objects i'm getting this type of error"Fatal error: Cannot instantiate non-existent class: variant "how can i declare empty variant ?i declare like$var= new VARIANT();when i used liked i'm getting fatal error.Please help anyone..Regards

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