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Agent Moose

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Posts posted by Agent Moose

  1. Your right, this isn't javascript...well sorta is, it is Jquery. It is the same thing sorta but you write alot less.Anyway, I don't get an error, I am also having this disscusion on another forum and I found another way to do this code...

    <script>$(document).ready(function() {//Created by Agent Moose and HolySaviorvar mname = new Array()mname[0] = "Pages"mname[1] = "Other"var dropdown = new Array()dropdown[0] = ["Pages","Arcade","http://beta.zetaboards.com/MooseCreations/pages/arcade/"]dropdown[1] = ["Other","Codes","http://beta.zetaboards.com/MooseCreations/pages/codes/"]for(q=0;q<mname.length;q++){for(y=0;y<dropdown.length;y++){$("#top_menu").append("<li id='"+ mname[q] +"1'><a href='#'><img src='' /> "+ mname[q] +"</a><ul id='"+ dropdown[y][0] +"'></ul></li>");$("#"+ dropdown[y][0] +"").append("<li><a href='"+ dropdown[y][2] +"'>"+ dropdown[y][1] +"</a></li>");};};});</script>

    There is a problem with this code, it creates two dropdown menus instead of one. I don't think if I should even explain anymore since some people don't nkow what this is...

  2. Well, I don't think it needs to. I think I can do something like this:

    var mname[]mname[0] = "Pages"//First Drop Down Menumname[1] = "Blah"//Seconde Drop Down Menu

    And for the sname and url:

    //Options for First Drop Down Menudropdown[0][0]("Arcade","http://beta.zetaboards.com/MooseCreations/pages/arcade");//This will be in the First Drop down menu because of the first [0] and it will be the first option in the drop down menu because of the second [0].dropdown[0][1]("Yahoo","http://www.yahoo.com");//This will be in the First Drop down menu because of the first [0] and it will be the second option in the drop down menu because of the [1].//Options for Second Drop Down Menudropdown[1][0]("Google","http://www.google.com");//This will be in the Second Drop down menu because of the first [1] and it will be the first option in the drop down menu because of the [0].dropdown[1][1]("Jquery","http://www.jquery.com");//This will be in the Second Drop down menu because of the first [1] and it will be the second option in the drop down menu because of the  second [1].

    Thing is, I don't know how to make it accually work that way. I am able to show only part of it...so if anyone can help me accually making the rest or somthing...

  3. I am hoping you can help me with a code I am trying to make for ZetaBoards. It adds a drop-down menu with what ever links you want in it.

    <script>function dropdown(sname,lurl){//Code Created by Agent Moose$(".drop_menu").before("<ul id='top_menu' class='drop_menu'><liid='menu_ucp'><a href='#'><img src='' /> "+ mname +"</a><ul><li><a href='"+ lurl +"'>"+ sname +"</a></li></ul></li></ul>");}mname = "Pages"dropdown("Arcade","http://beta.zetaboards.com/MooseCreations/pages/arcade");</script>
    I want it to make it so that when you make more of these:
    It will add more links to the dropdown menu.Also, I would like it you added more of these:
    mname = "Pages"
    it will make a new whole new dropdown menu.and you will be able to add diffrent links to each drop-down menu.wanna help me?
  4. I htink you should add in Jquery to the forum or to the site. That would be awsome and helpful...even though I basicly know all I need to know about it.

  5. I have made a code so that the emotionicon box on the left will not be there, then I made it so that there will be emotionicons under the tags buttons. Thing is, it only works on one forum. I tried it on my other one, it doens't work. Here is the forum that it works on:Click Here Here is the code...

    <script type="text/javascript"><!--if(location.href.match('act=Post&CODE')){document.getElementsByTagName('div')[0].innerHTML += "<style>.tablefill{display:none}</style>"}//--></script><script type='text/javascript'>//Code Created by Agent Moose at Moose Creations//http://z11.invisionfree.com/MooseCreations//Do not Edit or say that this code is yourssmily=0TD=document.getElementsByTagName('TD')for (i=0;i<TD.length;i++){if (TD[i].innerHTML.match("THE POST")){smily++}}td=document.getElementsByTagName("TD")for (i=0;i<td.length;i++){if (td[i].innerHTML.match('Open Tags:')){td[i].innerHTML+="<BR><table><tr><td><a href = 'java script:emo(1)'><img src ='' border = 0></a></td><td><a href = 'java script:emo(2)'><img src ='' border = 0></a></td><td><a href = 'java script:emo(3)'><img src ='' border = 0></a></td><td><a href = 'java script:emo(4)'><img src ='' border = 0></a></td><td><a href = 'java script:emo(5)'><img src ='' border = 0></a></td><td><a href = 'java script:emo(6)'><img src ='' border = 0></a></td><td><a href = 'java script:emo(7)'><img src ='' border = 0></a></td><td><a href = 'java script:emo(8)'><img src ='' border = 0></a></td><td><a href = 'java script:emo(9)'><img src ='' border = 0></a></td><td><a href = 'java script:emo(10)'><img src ='' border = 0></a></td><td><a href = 'java script:emo(11)'><img src ='' border = 0></a></td><td><a href = 'java script:emo(12)'><img src ='' border = 0></a></td><td><a href='java script:emo_pop()'><b><u>Show All</u></b></a></td></tr></table>"}}</script>

  6. Sorry for the Double post...I know what to make the buttons change. So when it isn't showing it will say "Show" then when you click on it, it changes to "Hide". I know I have to have an ID for it, and I have to use the onclick event. The other one that is above, it doesn't work if you have more than one of the buttons on. So, I want the code to work if you have more than one on a page.

  7. Thanks. Now I have another questions. I have changed some stuff with the code. I have added buttons to make the iframe get smaller and bigger if you press them. Just like the buttons on the bottom text area when your typing a message to make the text area bigger or smaller. Mine doesn't work though...

    <script>function show(which) {var hide = new Array();hide = document.getElementsByName(which);for (i=0; i<hide.length; i++) {  hide[i].style.display = 'inline';}}function hide(which) {var hide = new Array();hide = document.getElementsByName(which);for (i=0; i<hide.length; i++) {  hide[i].style.display = 'none';}}</script><style type="text/css">iframe { display: none; }</style><table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="padding:0px;margin:0px;" id='std-table-buttons' width="100%"><tr><td style="padding:0px;margin:0px;" align="center" width="1%" valign='top' nowrap="nowrap"><b>SMFFF Support</b><input type="button" value="Show" onclick="show('a');"><input type="button" value="Hide" onclick="hide('a');"></td><td style="padding:0px;margin:0px;height:0px" align="right" valign='top' width="99%"><input type="button" value=" + " onclick=''std_window_resize( 100  ); name="a"/><input type="button" value=" - " onclick=''std_window_resize( -100  ); name="a"/></td></tr></table><iframe src='http://www.smfsupport.com/support/' width='100%' height='100%' scrolling='yes' name='a'></iframe><table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="padding:0px;margin:0px;" id='std-table-buttons' width="100%"><tr><td style="padding:0px;margin:0px;" align="center" width="1%" valign='top' nowrap="nowrap"><b>Google</b>     <input type="button" value="Show" onclick="show('b');"><input type="button" value="Hide" onclick="hide('b');"></td><td style="padding:0px;margin:0px;height:0px" align="right" valign='top' width="99%"><input type="button" value=" + " onclick=''std_window_resize( 100  ); name="b"/><input type="button" value=" - " onclick=''std_window_resize( -100  ); name="b"/></td></tr></table><iframe src='http://www.google.com' width='100%' height='100%' scrolling='yes' name='b'></iframe><table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="padding:0px;margin:0px;" id='std-table-buttons' width="100%"><tr><td style="padding:0px;margin:0px;" align="center" width="1%" valign='top' nowrap="nowrap"><b>Google</b>     <input type="button" value="Show" onclick="show('c');"><input type="button" value="Hide" onclick="hide('c');"></td><td style="padding:0px;margin:0px;height:0px" align="right" valign='top' width="99%"><input type="button" value=" + " onclick=''std_window_resize( 100  ); name="c"/><input type="button" value=" - " onclick=''std_window_resize( -100  ); name="c"/></td></tr></table><iframe src='http://www.google.com' width='100%' height='100%' scrolling='yes' name='c'></iframe>

  8. When ever the page loads, it automaticly have the iframes shown. How do I make it so that when the page loads, it will always be hidden, so you have to press the Show button to show it...Here is the code I am useing...

    <script>function hide(which) {var hide = new Array();hide = document.getElementsByName(which);for (i=0; i<hide.length; i++) {  hide[i].style.display = 'none';}}function show(which) {var hide = new Array();hide = document.getElementsByName(which);for (i=0; i<hide.length; i++) {  hide[i].style.display = 'inline';}}</script><input type="button" value="Show A" onclick="show('a');"><input type="button" value="Hide A" onclick="hide('a');"><iframe src='http://www.smfsupport.com/support/' width='100%' height='100%' scrolling='yes' name='a'></iframe><br><input type="button" value="Show B" onclick="show('b');"><input type="button" value="Hide B" onclick="hide('b');"><iframe src='http://www.google.com' width='100%' height='100%' scrolling='yes' name='b'></iframe><br><input type="button" value="Show C" onclick="show('c');"><input type="button" value="Hide C" onclick="hide('c');"><iframe src='http://www.google.com' width='100%' height='100%' scrolling='yes' name='c'></iframe>

  9. It still doesn't work. I changed the thing you told me too. I also changed some things with the code to, just the name of the arrays and things like that...

    <!--MC Radio V2(Shorty)--><div class="tableborder"> <div class='maintitle' align='left'>MC Radio V2</a></div> <table border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="4"> <tr> <th align="center" width="23%" class='titlemedium'>Station</th> <th align="center" width="32%" class='titlemedium'>Description</th> <th align="center" width="20%" class='titlemedium'><center>Genre</center></th> </tr> <tr> <td class="row4" align="center"><b>Listen to </b><form name="form1"><select name="station" size="1" onChange="displaydesc(document.form1.station, description, catagory, 'textcontainer1')"><option selected value="http://www.1club.fm/clubfm_media/v42.aspx?station=activex" target="newwin">Active Radio X</option><option value="http://www.1club.fm/clubfm_media/v42.aspx?station=modernrock" target="newwin">Modern Rock</option><option value="http://www.1club.fm/clubfm_media/v42.aspx?station=classicrock" target="newwin">102 Rock</option><option value="http://www.1club.fm/clubfm_media/v42.aspx?station=hairband">Hair Band Rock</option><option value="http://www.1club.fm/clubfm_media/v42.aspx?station=techno" target="newwin">Techno Club</option></select><input type="button" value="Listen"onClick="jumptolink(document.form1.station)"></form></a></td> <td class="row4"><span id="textcontainer1" align="left" style="font:italic 13px Arial"></span><script type="text/javascript">var description=new Array()description[0]="A hard hitting Rock Channel playing the best in Heavy Metal, Alternative, and 80s Hard Rock on the planet."description[1]="The Net's New Rock Alternative. An edgy display of Active, Modern, Today & Classic Alternative Rock Music."description[2]="LIVE from a City that built the Classic Rock format. Take a listen to the legendary bands that started it all."description[3]="The House of Hair Spray and Spandex. Playing your favorite sleaze Rock Anthems of the 80s & early 90s!"description[4]="Spinning the best in Trance and Techno Club Beats. Live from Chicago, it's the net's home for the best in underground sounds!"</script><br /></td> <td class="row2" align="center"><span id="textcontainer1" align="center" style="font:italic 13px Arial"></span><script type="text/javascript">var catagory=new Array()catagory[0]="Rock"catagory[1]="Rock"catagory[2]="Rock"catagory[3]="Rock"catagory[4]="Techno"</script><script type="text/javascript">function displaydesc(which, descriptionarray, catagoryarray, container){if (document.getElementById)document.getElementById(container).innerHTML=descriptionarray[which.selectedIndex]}function jumptolink(what){var selectedopt=what.options[what.selectedIndex]if (document.getElementById && selectedopt.getAttribute("target")=="newwin")window.open(selectedopt.value)elsewindow.location=selectedopt.value}displaydesc(document.form1.station, description, catagory, 'textcontainer1')</script></td></table></div><br><!--End MC Radio V2(Shorty)-->
    Anything wrong???
  10. I need some help with a code. It is supposed to be a code that what ever option you choose from the drop-down menu, the description and catagory change with it. I don't know why, but the cagatory doesn't show up, and the description doesn't change. I have two code for you to see, the first one is for what I tried when adding the catagorys...it doesn't work right,

    <!--MC Radio V2(Shorty)--><div class="tableborder"> <div class='maintitle' align='left'>MC Radio V2</a></div> <table border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="4"> <tr> <th align="center" width="23%" class='titlemedium'>Station</th> <th align="center" width="32%" class='titlemedium'>Description</th> <th align="center" width="20%" class='titlemedium'><center>Genre</center></th> </tr> <tr> <td class="row4" align="center"><b>Listen to </b><form name="form1"><select name="select1" size="1" onChange="displaydesc(document.form1.select1, thetext1, 'textcontainer1')"><option selected value="http://www.1club.fm/clubfm_media/v42.aspx?station=activex" target="newwin">Active Radio X</option><option value="http://www.1club.fm/clubfm_media/v42.aspx?station=modernrock" target="newwin">Modern Rock</option><option value="http://www.1club.fm/clubfm_media/v42.aspx?station=classicrock" target="newwin">102 Rock</option><option value="http://www.1club.fm/clubfm_media/v42.aspx?station=hairband">Hair Band Rock</option><option value="http://www.1club.fm/clubfm_media/v42.aspx?station=techno" target="newwin">Techno Club</option></select> <input type="button" value="Listen" onClick="jumptolink(document.form1.select1)"></form></a></td> <td class="row4"><span id="textcontainer1" align="left" style="font:italic 13px Arial"></span><script type="text/javascript">var thetext1=new Array()thetext1[0]="A hard hitting Rock Channel playing the best in Heavy Metal, Alternative, and 80s Hard Rock on the planet. This is Active Rock. Play It Loud!."thetext1[1]="The Net's New Rock Alternative. An edgy display of Active, Modern, Today & Classic Alternative Rock Music."thetext1[2]="LIVE from a City that built the Classic Rock format. The Best in Classic Rock Music. Take a listen to the legendary bands that started it all."thetext1[3]="he House of Hair Spray and Spandex. Playing your favorite sleaze Rock Anthems of the 80s & early 90s! We're the only station still rockin'."thetext1[4]="Spinning the best in Trance and Techno Club Beats. Live from Chicago, it's the net's home for the best in underground sounds!"</script><br /></td> <td class="row2" align="center"><span id="catagory1" align="center" style="font:italic 13px Arial"></span><script type="text/javascript">var catagory1=new Array()catagory1[0]="Rock"catagory1[1]="Rock"catagory1[2]="Rock"catagory1[3]="Rock"catagory1[4]="Techno"</script><script type="text/javascript">function displaydesc(which, descriptionarray, catagoryarray, container){if (document.getElementById)document.getElementById(container).innerHTML=descriptionarray[which.selectedIndex]}function jumptolink(what){var selectedopt=what.options[what.selectedIndex]if (document.getElementById && selectedopt.getAttribute("target")=="newwin")window.open(selectedopt.value)elsewindow.location=selectedopt.value}displaydesc(document.form1.select1, thetext1, catagory1, 'textcontainer1')</script></td></table></div><br><!--End MC Radio V2(Shorty)-->

    This code is the one I used before I added the catagorys. Looks the same and it works...

    <!--MC Radio V2(Shorty)--><div class="tableborder"> <div class='maintitle' align='left'>Active Radio X</a></div> <table border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="4"> <tr> <th align="center" width="23%" class='titlemedium'>Station</th> <th align="center" width="32%" class='titlemedium'>Description</th> <th align="center" width="20%" class='titlemedium'><center>Genre</center></th> </tr> <tr> <td class="row4" align="center"><b>Listen to </b><form name="form1"><select name="select1" size="1" onChange="displaydesc(document.form1.select1, thetext1, 'textcontainer1')"><option selected value="http://www.1club.fm/clubfm_media/v42.aspx?station=activex" target="newwin">Active Radio X</option><option value="http://www.1club.fm/clubfm_media/v42.aspx?station=modernrock" target="newwin">Modern Rock</option><option value="http://www.1club.fm/clubfm_media/v42.aspx?station=classicrock" target="newwin">102 Rock</option><option value="http://www.1club.fm/clubfm_media/v42.aspx?station=hairband">Hair Band Rock</option><option value="http://www.1club.fm/clubfm_media/v42.aspx?station=techno" target="newwin">Techno Club</option></select> <input type="button" value="Listen" onClick="jumptolink(document.form1.select1)"></form></a></td> <td class="row4"><span id="textcontainer1" align="left" style="font:italic 13px Arial"></span><script type="text/javascript">var thetext1=new Array()thetext1[0]="A hard hitting Rock Channel playing the best in Heavy Metal, Alternative, and 80s Hard Rock on the planet."thetext1[1]="The Net's New Rock Alternative. An edgy display of Active, Modern, Today & Classic Alternative Rock Music."thetext1[2]="LIVE from a City that built the Classic Rock format. Take a listen to the legendary bands that started it all."thetext1[3]="The House of Hair Spray and Spandex. Playing your favorite sleaze Rock Anthems of the 80s & early 90s!"thetext1[4]="Spinning the best in Trance and Techno Club Beats. Live from Chicago, it's the net's home for the best in underground sounds!"</script><br /></td> <td class="row2" align="center"><script type="text/javascript">function displaydesc(which, descriptionarray, container){if (document.getElementById)document.getElementById(container).innerHTML=descriptionarray[which.selectedIndex]}function jumptolink(what){var selectedopt=what.options[what.selectedIndex]if (document.getElementById && selectedopt.getAttribute("target")=="newwin")window.open(selectedopt.value)elsewindow.location=selectedopt.value}//2) Call function displaydesc() for each drop down menu you have on the page//   This function displays the initial description for the selected menu item//   displaydesc(name of select menu, name of corresponding text array, ID of SPAN container tag)://   Important: Remove the calls not in use (ie: 2nd line below if there's only 1 menu on your page)displaydesc(document.form1.select1, thetext1, 'textcontainer1')</script></td></table></div><br><!--End MC Radio V2(Shorty)-->

    First one doesn't work proporly, second one does, but it doesn't have the catagorys...if anyone wants to help me, please do...if that even makes sence...-Agent Moose

  11. That doesn't work. This is how I have to code:

    <script type="text/javascript">function pop_window(url){	var properties = "height=462,width=747";	var window_name = "myNewWindow";	window.open(url,window_name,properties);}</script><div align="center"><b>Listen To</b><form name="myMenu"><select name="menu" onchange="go(this, 1, false)"><option value="http://www.1club.fm/clubfm_media/v42.aspx?station=vradio">Variety Hits</option><option value="">deathwilldie</option><input type="button" onclick="pop_window(document.myMenu.menu.options[document.myMenu.menu.selectedIndex].value);" value="Submit">

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