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Posts posted by Roxanne

  1. Well, please forgive my ignorance, but it just seemed logical to me that the problem was probably something in that particular section of the coding since the rest of the page works fine, and it is odd to me that the problem occurs only when viewed on mobile.

    I tried looking through the specified errors, but honestly, with my limited knowledge, I can't make sense of most of what it is telling me, and so I would not even know where to begin to attempt to fix them.

  2. I am obviously by no means a professional web designer. I did the best I could with the limited knowledge I have. My only concern is that my page is displaying correctly, with the exception of the problem I mentioned. I just want to know exactly what I can do to fix this specific problem on the specific section of the pages I mentioned.


  3. My website displays correctly on my PC, and it also displays without problems on my smartphone, except for a small amount of text on a couple of pages. I have not been able to figure out what is causing the display issue on smartphone.


    The issue is on these 2 pages:





    It is the section at the bottom of these pages under "Print prices"on the first page (price_list.html)

    and the section under "You can also purchase additional prints at the following rates:" on the second page (wedding_price_list.html)

    where it lists the prices for prints.


    For some reason, when viewed on a smartphone, just in this section of these pages the font is very small, and I have no idea why, or how to fix it. I would greatly appreciate any help with this. Thanks in advance!

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