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Posts posted by jemz

  1. jemz, Sometime ago I created the same thing. This is how it works or similar to: When you click on the link, you start a few things going on. First you will notice the "loader" bar( the green box) appear at the top center of the page. This is probably a gif image using CSS positioning to place it there and become visible by using display: block for example. A settimeout will cause this to be displayed for about a second or two. The settimeout's function parameter then calls the function that either 'sets up' the login box to appear or the actual function itself. Most likely a setup type function because with this function you set certain CSS properties of the login box in place for it to appear along with having the partially dimmed background element appear behind the login-box giving the impression that everything in the background is disabled(ie, by setting the z-index of the dimmed and login-box elements to their appropriate values) and the only thing you can do is type in the login-box. The last line in the function you have a setinterval where it's function parameter will be set to repeatedly call another function that makes the login-box fade in by it's CSS opacity property. Hopefully this gives you an idea.
    Hi, Thank you for this, Okay i will make a try and i will write back to you if i get in trouble.thank you so much
  2. Hi, how can i put picture when the user is loggin in?just like in other forum or facebook,when we loggin into our account it will display a picture. ex: Welcome imagehere Joe can you help me please how can i make something like this. Thank you in advance.

  3. You mean to show a link? Just print the link:
    echo '<a href="URL">Link name</a>';

    If I went any further here I'd be doing it for you and you wouldn't learn anything. I suggest looking through the PHP tutorials and the manual because this is really simple.

    Hi, I am back about the menu in associative array. Okay how can i do this to show something like this in the URL example. index.php?fpage=home how can i do that. Thank you in advance.
  4. Hi, Can i ask some idea on how to do this,i want that if someone will registered to my website it will send message or confirmaton to there email..can you help me please how to do this.

  5. Done this kind of think many times with select and option elements before, not exactly like this, but similar.
    Is it possible also in this select example inside the select option cat orchid mouse Karl Jupiter if the user will select the cat it will display to the texfield "Animal" and if the user will select Ochid it will Display to the textfield "plant" is this possible?
  6. Try
      <?phpfor($d=1;$d<=31;$d++){	echo '<option';	if($day==$d){			echo ' selected="selected"';}  echo '>'.$d.'</option>';}											    ?> 

    Hi,it's working where did you learn this kind of coding i mean the way you do in your echo?Thank you so much it helps me.
  7. No, this is what I mean:
    <select name="status">	<option value=""></option>	<option value="Active" <?php if($status == 'Active') { echo 'selected="selected"'; } ?>>Active</option>	<option value="Inactive" <?php if($status == 'Inactive') { echo 'selected="selected"'; } ?>>Active</option></select>

     Hi,can you help me please on this i am stuck in this,i could not select the day.Thank you in advance.<select name="day" >	  <?php for($d=1;$d<=31;$d++)    echo '<option     f($day==$d)	    selected='selected'>'.$d.'</option>';						    ?> 								  </select>

  8. No, this is what I mean:
    <select name="status">	<option value=""></option>	<option value="Active" <?php if($status == 'Active') { echo 'selected="selected"'; } ?>>Active</option>	<option value="Inactive" <?php if($status == 'Inactive') { echo 'selected="selected"'; } ?>>Active</option></select>

    Hi sorry for the late reply.Thank you so much it's working.you are very great.
  9. You set the value by adding selected="selected" to the option that contains the value you want.
    Hi,thank you for the quick reply,is this what you mean?
    <select name="status" >      <option value="<?php echo $status; ?>" selected="selected"></option>    <option value="Active">Active</option>    <option value="Inactive">Inactive</option></select>

  10. How do i set value in my select option, and i want this value is from the database. I tried this but it's not working

    <select name="status" value="<?php echo $status; ?>">       <option value=""></option>    <option value="Active">Active</option>    <option value="Inactive">Inactive</option></select>

    Can you help me on this.Thank you.

  11. You mean to show a link? Just print the link:
    echo '<a href="URL">Link name</a>';

    If I went any further here I'd be doing it for you and you wouldn't learn anything. I suggest looking through the PHP tutorials and the manual because this is really simple.

    Hi,Thank you don't worry i am not kind of man asking help without coding,actually i made the code now.and also i am reading other tutorial.thank you again and i will write again to you if i have doubt.
  12. You don't need to worry about efficiency with this kind of thingUse a foreach() loop to access all the elements:
    foreach($menu as $name => $url) {	echo "Link name: {$name}<br>Link url: {$url}";}

    Okay,thank you for the reply,so how can i get to other page in this array?for example in about.php ,can i use isset()?
  13. You mean something like this: Ex:
    $menu = array("Home" => "index.php", "Services" => "services.php",  "About" => "about.php",  "Contact" => "contact.php");

    That's an associative array. To get index.php: $menu['Home'];

    Hi,Thank you for this,yes this is it what i am looking for so how can i access the about.php using this array,is this an efficient way to use?
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  14. @birbal,i want to create menu using php,when i am going to click the about me i will go to the about me page,but i want my menu to be array is this possible to do in php?

  15. Hi, can i ask is it possible to use php array in my simple menu?Can you give me some pointers what should i do so that i can have idea. Home || pictures || about me

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