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Posts posted by hobbiton73

  1. Hi both. Thnak you to both of you for taking the time tio help me with this. After quite a bit of work, and some invaluable help from a family member I now have a working solution. The main reason why I couldn't get the variables to work is that the 'image' value being pulled from the gallery page, was actually the whole fielpath and not just the filename, so I've had to strip out the filename using a 'basename' command. Kind regards

  2. Hi, thank you for replying so quickly. I've added the code to the top of my script. Please forgive me for asking, I'm a real beginner at this, (you can probably tell) but I don't receive any errors once I've selected my image to delete. The physical image is deleted from the server with the associated child node still present in the XML file. Could you perhaps please explain whether there is another to check this. I also appreciate your comments re. the security. Another beginners mistake. I'll need to take a look at this. Many thanks and kind regards

  3. Hi, many thanks for taking the time to reply to my post. If I'm honest, I very new to PHP and XML, so I'm not sure where the problem is. I don't receive any specific eror message. I know that the file is there, I suspect that it's not reading it. I've added an extract of my xml file in my original post. In respect of the security, that's dealt with by the form which initiates the delete sequence. A user can only see their own images. Kind regards

  4. I wonder whether someone may be able to help me please. This script below is called upon a button click from one of my HTML pages and it's purpose is to delete images stored on my server and the associated child node from a XML file.

    <?phpif (!empty($_POST)) {	$image = $_POST['image']; 	if (file_exists($image)) {		unlink($image);	} 	$doc = new DOMDocument;	$doc->load('UploadedFiles/' . '1' . '/' . '1' . '/' . 'files.xml');   	// iterate over all tags named <file>	$list = $doc->getElementsByTagName('file');	foreach ($list as $domElement) {		// check whether attribute 'source' equals $image		if ($domElement->getAttribute('source') == $image) {			// remove the node			$domElement->parentNode->removeChild($domElement);		}	} 	echo $doc->saveXML();}?>

    The problem I'm having is that I can delete the physical image, but I'm unable to delete the node from the XML file. I know that the file path is correct because I've used a XPath 'search for' script and I can successfully see the contents of the file. So I know that this isn't the issue. In addition to the above, I've also tried the following:

    <?php if (!empty($_POST)) {$image = $_POST['image']; if (file_exists($image)) {unlink($image);}} $searchString = 'image'; $doc = new DOMDocument;$doc->preserveWhiteSpace = FALSE;$doc->load('UploadedFiles/' . '1' . '/' . '1' . '/' . 'files.xml');  $xPath = new DOMXPath($doc);$query = sprintf('//files[./source[contains(., "%s")]]', $searchString);foreach($xPath->query() as $node) {$node->parentNode->removeChild($node);}$doc->formatOutput = TRUE;echo $doc->saveXML();?>

    This is an extract of my XML file: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>- <files><file name="AC-0003749.jpg" source="AC-0003749.jpg" size="3873" originalname="AC-0003749.jpg" description="No description provided" userid="1" locationid="1" /></files> Unfortunately this doesn't delete the node either. I've been working on this for quite some time and I'm not really sure what to do next. i just wondered whether someone may be able to look at this please and let me know where I'm going wrong. Many thanks and regards

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