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Posts posted by ProgramPotato

  1. Below is code I have for a slideshow:

     <div id="thepic" valign="center"><input type="image" src="ArrowLeft.png" value="<" onclick="move('down')" id="left"/><input type="image" src="ArrowRight.png" value=">" onclick="move('up')" id="right"/></div><input type="image" src="Stop.png" value="stop" onclick="pause()" id="stop" /><script type="text/javascript">var pics=["Placeholder.png", "Placeholder.png", "Placeholder.png", "Placeholder.png"];pics.unshift(pics.pop())function move(dir){if(timer){clearTimeout(timer)}if(dir=="down"){pics.unshift(pics.pop())} if(dir=="up"){pics.push(pics.shift()) }timer=setTimeout(function (){move(dir)}, 5000)document.getElementById("thepic").style.backgroundImage="url("+pics[0]+")";}var timer=setTimeout(function (){move("up")}, 5000) function pause(){clearTimeout(timer);}</script></div>

    I was wondering if there is a way to get a fading effect in between pictures, so it looks cleaner. What i really want is an effect like on iOS devices when you slide from picture to picture. I've seen both of these done before and I'd like to have this effect. Thanks!

  2. You can roll your own animation if you want to using setTimeout to move the image by a little bit every interval, or you can use an animation library like you would find in jQuery or Sencha to do the heavy lifting for you. It skips the first image because you never tell it to display that one, the first thing you do is tell it to move either up or down.
    I got it to display the first image, but there is still a pause in the beginning. I don't know how to get the rolling effect
  3. You're able to use "mailto:" as the action attribute of a form, which will open the e-mail client and put some data into the subject, to and body fields.
    Okay, now there's enough information to answer your question. You can't do what you want without server side scripts. The link you're using automatically opens the visitor's email client to allow them to send an email to your email address. Once that happens they can send anything they want. You threw me off when you said email form. There aren't any HTML-only email forms. You need a server side script to process them.
    I understand this. That is what i did originally, but I don't want it to open an email, i want to just send the form to my email with whatever they entered in.
  4. Hello, In the tororials of w3chools it has a toutorial for form building and then sending through email. When the submit button is pressed, an email dialog box from wichever email program you are using poppes up. I would not like that to happen, I just want the email to be sent without the person being able to edit it to their will. Hopefully, there is a way! EDIT: I was using an html mailto instead of php. I don't know php. So I need help

  5. There is no way to detect what browser the user has. And it's the mark of a bad web developer to ask the users to use a different browser. If you can't get the page to look right in Firefox or Opera then you must have done something wrong.
    Thanks. It's not like i have a game that only works in IE or something. I should just let it go. And there is a way, btw.
  6. Hi, I know there is a way to detect browsers with javascript, and i would like to have this in my website, but what I find on the internet doesn't give me exactly what I want. I want a sentence to display only in Chrome and Safari:

    Thank you for using Chrome or Safari for browsing this website. You are expiriencing this page the best it can be!
    And i want every other browser to display this:
    This website works best if using <a href="www.google.com/chrome">Chrome</a> or <a href="www.apple.com/safari">Safari</a>. Please consider using them.
    Hope it works out!
  7. Chris Coyier had a great quote for that..."You do not have to make your website look exactly the same in all browser..."Which has relived so much stress... seems like a small thing to read and understand, but if you stop worrying about if your site looks exactly the same in each and every browser you get more work done. Just as long on the site works the way you want it to, you're fine. Plus, if EVERY web designer/developer would start to use CSS3 in all their projects browser developers would *hopefully* understand that they must start making their browsers understand the new language/tags. (Cough cough IE cough cough). ;)
    Thanks for that peice of advice!
  8. I have this code I'm using for a slideshow;

    <div id="thepic" valign="center"><input type="image" src="ArrowLeft.png" value="<" onclick="move('down')" id="left"/><input type="image" src="ArrowRight.png" value=">" onclick="move('up')" id="right"/></div><input type="image" src="Stop.png" value="stop" onclick="pause()" id="stop" /><script type="text/javascript">var pics=["Placeholder.png", "Placeholder.png", "Placeholder.png", "Placeholder.png"];function move(dir){if(timer){clearTimeout(timer)}if(dir=="down"){pics.unshift(pics.pop())} if(dir=="up"){pics.push(pics.shift()) }timer=setTimeout(function (){move(dir)}, 3000)document.getElementById("thepic").style.backgroundImage="url("+pics[0]+")";}var timer=setTimeout(function (){move("up")}, 3000) function pause(){clearTimeout(timer);}</script>

    I would like the slideshow to have a sliding effect (like when you slide through images on an iOS device) when it plays through the images. I know this is possible but i'm not sure how to do that. Also, it starts out blank and then displays the second image (skipping the first). How can i make this not happen? Thanks!

  9. I'll assume that one of the images is a PNG file and the other one isn't. This design looks very simple though, you could do it without images. Just use a border-radius and a background-color.
    Nope. They are both PNG's. True, i could use a border and background color. It would be more efficient, except for the browsers that don't support CSS3
  10. Hello, I was wondering if there is a way to have a top image, a bottom, image, and a stretchable, resizable, middle image that would make the page resize and still look normal. If there is any way to do this, it would be appreciated. Attachments: Background.png - what i want the background to look like BG_______ - the images that i want to use to make a resizable but non-destructive background Thank you!





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