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Posts posted by racecar

  1. Hi, I wrote a script that will generate random unique numbers that will store in a text file.When I run it over and over, It only generate 90% of unique numbers. What happen to the 10%? Can you please explain. Thank you very much.

    #!/usr/bin/perlsub mains {my $sov=random();my $red=readFile("lognum");chomp($red, $sov);  if($red!~/^($sov)/gm){   writeFile($sov);   return 1;  } else {  return 0;  }}sub random{    my $num=int(rand()*1000);  return $num;}sub readFile{  my $infile=shift;  my $lines;    # Provide local separator    local($/, *FILE);    $/=undef;           open(FILE, $infile) || die "Cannot open file $infile";    $lines=<FILE>;    close(FILE);  return $lines;}sub writeFile{    my $outfile=shift;    my $lFile="lognum";    open(OUT,">>$lFile") || die "Cannot open file $lFile";      print OUT $outfile."\n";    close(OUT);}while(1){ mains(); }

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