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Posts posted by prashanth12

  1. Hi all, I appreciate all your replies to my previous questions! I have another question that I need some help with. I see those little icons to the left of the address bar and at the left side of the page name in the tabs (for tabbed browsing). How can I get one of those things to load for my pages? And where do people get those little logos? Do they have them made, or is there a place you can go online to get free ones? Not an extremely critical question, but it would be nice to know.

  2. If the site is hosted through a third party hosting company, then do I still need to add the webserver? They mention something about PHP and MySQL databases that you can add on the control hosting center dashboard where I manage the site from. Does this mean that they already have the necessary server software installed on their computers where my site is hosted? (Sorry if the question is too obvious-- I'm pretty new to web stuff).

  3. Hi, I am new to HTML/CSS and I wanted to add a user input section to a web page where the user can type in a text note in a form (or something like that) and have it show up on the page. It can be kind of like a simple blog. I need the text entry amount to be basically unlimited (not a 100 or 500 character max). Can someone point me in the right direction?

  4. I found out what made the problem go away. I added Java script to the page (I don't really know how to use javascript, but I just found some javascript code from a page on the web and added it to my page). After I did this the problem completely went away. I am not sure why this helped, but at least for my PC and browser it worked. Any ideas?

  5. Sorry about the late reply. The problem that I see when I refresh is that it flashes a white background and also the text for a split second is times new roman instead of verdana. What I think is going on is that my browser is first displaying the page without the CSS info and then after this first display it displays again with the CSS. This doesn't happen for me with other websites. When I click refresh for other websites I never see the text type or background colors change. If you look at my site again, look at the text when you hit refresh and see if it changes. It must be something wrong with my code (maybe something in the <head> section).

  6. Hello, I have a question about CSS. I am new to HTML/CSS, and I just put up a web page with a style sheet. I am using Firefox 6.0.2 (I know it's old now, but it is working fine for me right now). When I load the page that has the CSS (an external style sheet), I notice a very brief (fraction of a second) display of the pre-CSS formatting (font and background), and then it displays the CSS font and background. The problem disappears when I use inline styling instead of the external style sheet. I tried to access the page in Microsoft IE, and the issue is almost invisible, but I still notice the change since a band of the original background color will appear before the CSS formatting appears. The problem is that other, professionally done pages (such as indeed.com and other sites) don't do this in my browser. So can anyone help me with this? A link to my page is below:http://www.prashanth...e.com/test.html The issue is easiest to see after you first load the page when you click refresh.

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