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Posts posted by OC4me

  1. Ok, great guys! Let me have some time to play around with each suggestion and see how it goes. My goal is to allow the desktop browser format to collapse gracefully when viewed in the smaller screens available on mobile browsers. In the case of a small mobile screen, ColumnMajor and ColumnMinor will be forced into a stacked arrangment, rather than having ColumnMajor forced off the screen on the right.

  2. dsonesuk, Thanks again. I really do appreciate your assistance. I tried the last suggestion and I get this: http://tinyurl.com/crjpdpo The formatting is still not correct (ColumnMinor needs to sit against the left edge and ColumnMajor needs to be elastic, filling the remaining whitespace). Also the content in the two divisions no longer resides where it should be. My original page (http://tinyurl.com/bvzkwna) is basically correct except for ColumnMajor not occupying 100% of the available whitespace. Thanks, David

  3. ???? I can't see what difference that would make the MajorColumn div will STILL hold prime page content, it's just the stacking of html layout will be different.
    It is a standard SEO best practice to put the prime (most relevant) content first in the HTML and the least relevant content last. Anyway, I still do not understand completely the original help suggestion. Please see the latest format here: http://tinyurl.com/chtdw64 (note the new formatting problem because the two columns are now stacked, rather than side-by-side).
  4. Thanks Dovahkiin, I tried that and got this http://tinyurl.com/chtdw64, which is not formatted properly (the columns should be side-by-side) and not stacked. Did I understand you correctly:

    Remove the float from the major column
    and move it (in your code) so it is below the minor column.
    Here I think I might not have understood. I took this suggestion to mean that I should put the ColumnMajor CSS below (or after) the ColumnMinor CSS. Did you mean place the ColumnMajor div below the ColumnMinor div in the HTML itself? If so, I'd really prefer not to have to do that because the MajorColumn div will hold my prime page content. Thanks as I still need help with this issue. David
  5. Ok, I've got two columns existing side-by-side inside a holding division wrapper container. Here is my sample page: http://tinyurl.com/bvzkwna You can see that the second column named "Major Column" needs to auto-expand to fill the empty space between it and the "Minor Column" on the left. I'm not sure how to do it. I'm hoping to keep the "Major Column" division elastic and the "Minor Column" division a fixed width of 320px. Thanks for your suggestions. David P.S. I've embedded the CSS styling for development purposes.

  6. Hi All, I'm learning CSS on my own and developing a new version of my site's web page template. I've got the look that I want in Chrome, Firefox and even Netscape, but there is an issue bothering me in Internet Explorer 8.x. To see the issue please open the following link in Chrome or Firefox to see how it should look, then open in IE 8 to see the formatting problem:

    I Internet Explorer 8, the header should be an exact 940 px but it appears to display too wide. This causes a noticeable gap between the left column and right column below the header. A second minor issue, is how do I center everything on the screen? Hope someone can point out a solution, thanks! David PS. The CSS is embedded in the HTML, not an external CSS file (this is for development purposes).
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