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Posts posted by jwboyte

  1. I'm working on a page with body ID tags for each page. That tag controls hover states for a navigation section, leaving the background "on" when on the page.It's working great, but now I'd like to be able to have a separate section of content appear and dissapear when hovering over those navgation buttons - preferably where the section associated to the body tag stays as long as you are on the page, but disappears in favor of another section's content when a different navigation button is being moused-over.I'm wondering if any of you have seen this in practice and where I could see it. Thanks,JB

  2. Hi - I was feeling pretty good about this site, even though it was getting more and more complicated. But now I'm having problems with the H2 tags in a particular page (I also did a test and had a similar problem when I added a second H1 tag as well).The site is: http://boyteandminore.com/TMT/news.htmThe CSS lives at: http://boyteandminore.com/TMT/resources/tmt.css It looks fine in IE, but in Opera and Firefox the second H2 tag is hiding behind one of the event description sections. I've tried all sorts of things, but can't figure it out at all. I tried validating the CSS, and while it validated fine a couple days ago, it doesn't like the page anymore, even though little has changed. For example, it is saying that I need closing </div> tags, when I know they are there. Screwy.I'd appreciate some help.Thanks a lot...JB

  3. Hello:A big thanks to anyone who can give me a quick answer on this.I had heard somewhere that IE will actually double your margin settings in some cases. Well, if this is true it seems to be happening to me now:http://boyteandminore.com/TMT/This looks fine in Firefox and Opera, but for some reason IE is making my 10px right border on the "vert_nav" element 20px. The CSS is located athttp://boyteandminore.com/TMT/resources/tmt2.cssI would REALLY appreciate some help on this one!!!Thanks!JB

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