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Posts posted by Josh

  1. @justsomeguy Thank you very much for the IDEA and the Response! I had a friend looking at it and he found many vurnaubilities in my script, and not only the files I have attached! I think I am going to re-build it all and adding your IDEA in it by letting users use a Password and a Username! I created a on Open HelpDesk Ticket system, and I think I can use that to change it exactly as I want!


    Thank you very much for the Idea, else I wouldnt have thought of it!


    God bless!

  2. Hi everyone. I wanna start saying that I have been posting 4 Times on different sites and also twice on StackOverFlow, but didnt get some help as I am very new to php and mysql! But I really hope I can get some help fixing this script that I have tried to fix for a week now.


    So in this script I am using the TEXTAREA that creates a table based on what users type in the textarea! So if user types "mike", then he will be assigned to a new URL called www.website.com/mike, and then a table will be created for that users so only HE is able to track and see his Visitors!


    Right now the table is set to ""visitor_tracking" which makes everyone to see all the other users Info. Not fair! I decided to create another script and let users choose their own FOLDER NAME using the textarea, and that way enter the backend of their script. The textarea that I am using is assigned to a variable called $name, and the variable $name gets the texts from tghe textarea ID gname.

    Thats how I managed to fix the first php file.


    And then came the surprise.. I found 2 more php file that also includes the sql table "visitor_tracking" table and text. I desperately tried for 5 days to change it to $name, or somehow I did everything to use the text typed in the TEXTAREA to appear in the Database, and some how to make it affect other 2 php files too. But I failed. So all I need help for is to change the "visitor_tracking" and make the php files to read from the Textarea Variable $name..


    I will attach all 3 php files, and the first is my main phpfile which is already fixed and done... I tried to use the $Session method, but failed! Now for 5 days I am totally lost.. This is the first and main php file which WORKS Great. "visitor_tracking" is changed to the variable $name, so you wont see the visitor_tracking in the first file...

    <form action="" method="post" ><table width="400" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5">  <tr>    <td>Name </td>    <td><input type="text" name="gname" id="text" value=""></td>  </tr>  <tr>    <td colspan="3" align="center"><input type="submit" name="submit" id="submit" value="Submit"></td>  </tr></table></form><?PHPif (isset($_POST['submit'])) {$name = $_POST['gname'];mkdir("$name", 0777, true);chmod("$name", 0777);echo " ";echo "Conguradulations. Your new URL is sucessfully created.!";echo " ";echo " ";echo "Your new URL name is www.WEBSITE.com/$name";    }$dbhost = 'HOSTNAME';$dbuser = 'USERNAME';$dbpass = 'PASSWORD';$conn = mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass);if(! $conn ){  die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());}echo 'Connected successfully';$sql = 'CREATE TABLE ' . $name . '('.  'entry_id int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, '.  'visitor_id int(11) default NULL, '.  'ip_address varchar(15) NOT NULL, '.  'page_name text, '.  'query_string text, '.  'timestamp timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, '.  'PRIMARY KEY  ( entry_id ), '.  'KEY visitor_id ( visitor_id , timestamp )) ENGINE=InnoDB  DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 AUTO_INCREMENT=22 ;';mysql_select_db('DATABASENAME');$retval = mysql_query( $sql, $conn );if(! $retval ){  die('Could not create table: ' . mysql_error());}mysql_query($sql,$conn);?>

    As you can see above in the SQL query I am using $name for the textarea with the ID gname

    And I need to change the rest of the files like the first one, but I dont know how to make it READ from the first FILE.


    The code below is what I added in the first php file to make it work and read from $name:

    if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {$name = $_POST['gname'];

    And I also changed the TABLE 'visitor_tracking' To:

    CREATE TABLE ' . $name . '('.

    Now here comes the other 2 php files, and I simply dont know how to read textarea from the first php files, or how to make the TEXT typed in TEXTAREA to be assigned to the


    Here we go:


    This is the 2nd Php file called "ip_tracker.php". (Need to change "visitor_tracking" table to variable $name used in my first php file:

    <?php//define our "maximum idle period" to be 30 minutes$mins = 30;//set the time limit before a session expiresini_set ("session.gc_maxlifetime", $mins * 60);session_start();$ip_address = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"];$page_name = $_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"];$query_string = $_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"];$current_page = $page_name."?".$query_string;//connect to the database using your database settingsinclude("db_connect.php");    if($_SESSION["current_page"] != $current_page)    {        $sql = "INSERT INTO visitor_tracking            (ip_address, page_name, query_string, visitor_id)            VALUES ('$ip_address', '$page_name', '$query_string', '$visitor_id')";        if(!mysql_query($sql)){            echo "Failed to update visitor log";           }        $_SESSION["current_page"] = $current_page;            }}

    And this is the 3rd Php file called "ip_report.php". ( Also want to change the "visitor_tracking" to variable $name used in my first php file:

    <?phpinclude("db_connect.php");if($view == "all"){    //show all recent visitors    $sql = "SELECT visitor_id, GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ip_address) as ip_address_list,        COUNT(DISTINCT ip_address) as ip_total, COUNT(visitor_id) as page_count,        MIN(timestamp) as start_time, MAX(timestamp) as end_time FROM visitor_tracking GROUP BY visitor_id";    $result = mysql_query($sql);    if($result==false){        $view = "error";        $error = "Could not retrieve values";       }} else {    //show pages for a specific visitor    $visitor_id = $_GET['id'];    //rung $visitor_id through filter_var to check it's not an invalid    //value, or a hack attempt    if(!filter_var($visitor_id, FILTER_VALIDATE_INT, 0)){        $error = "Invalid ID specified";           $view = "error";    } else {        $sql = "SELECT timestamp, page_name, query_string, ip_address FROM          visitor_tracking WHERE visitor_id = '$visitor_id'";        $result = mysql_query($sql);    }    }function display_date($time){    return date("F j, Y, g:i a", $time);   }?>

    I have also tried to use the $_SESSION method and Session_Start, but Dont know why I cant make it work! Thats all, I really hope that my post is understandable! Thank you very much in advance, God bless, by Miguel!

  3. If you have the IP in a variable and the appropriate flag img, just display it. Do you have access to these resources? If so, what's the problem specifically? Your writing suggests you have the skills. EDIT Just put the IP in a <p> and the flag in a <img> and wrap em both in a <div>
    I finally fixed it, i used an IFRAME to show the full link! Finally done! And thank you for your reply!
  4. If you have the IP in a variable and the appropriate flag img, just display it. Do you have access to these resources? If so, what's the problem specifically? Your writing suggests you have the skills. EDIT Just put the IP in a <p> and the flag in a <img> and wrap em both in a <div>
    Hey everyone, Yesterday I installed a full Country and IP database to get the location of our guests on our forum!There are so many IP and COUNTRY FLAG scripts out there, and I wanted something like the one below!I simply cant run the PHP inside the HTML ! So how can I make this IP and FLAG to show on my frontpage which is a HTML Template! And the FILE & SCRIPT is in PHP! The strange thing is, that I made this work on an OLD template 2 years ago, but I have forgot how. And please notice I dont want it to be inside an IFRAME, which I know can also be used to add a web page inside another! But how to add it the clean way, not using an iframe.. ========================= Below is all the Info I found online, BUT non of them worked ========================= So I found out that I ihad to add a few lines on my HTACCESS file, below is only ONE of the examples I used:I did changed my HTACCESS like as many tutorials out there telling about how to use a PHP Script inside HTML, I tried Everything, and I am a HTML freak, but still did not work! Below you will see an example I added in my HTACCESS
    AddType application/x-httpd-php .html .htm

    And please notice, this is only one of the examples, I think I tried them all! Code I used to show PHP in HTML:

     <html><title>HTML with PHP</title><body><h1>My Example</h1> <?php//your php code here?> <b>Here is some more HTML</b> <?php//more php code?> </body></html>

    I trully hope that someone could help me to add this simple line or script to work on my HTML Template,THANK YOU VERY MUCH, In advance!

  5. Hi everyone, Finally I made it... I am Josh and I was waiting for my account to be confirmed! I am trully greatfull to finally get the chance to join the forum!I am a web developer, and making mods and addons on vBulletin too! Thanks for having me, and this forum was trully needed.

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