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Posts posted by jbru

  1. Chiming in here because I have a similar problem.


    My xml to be transformed is


    I've added xmlns:cm="http://example.org" exactly as it is written to the stylesheet declarations as such

    <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" ... xmlns:cm="http://example.org">

    And my xslt code is

    <xsl:variable name="var" select="cm:name"/> 

    "var" is returned blank and I'm really at an impasse as to how to access this data.


    damaq, you might find this helpful: http://w3schools.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=48839&hl=namespace#entry270426

  2. Hi, So I'm hoping to get some pointers on identifying namespaces and data contained within them. I have the task of transforming some (to my mind at least) unusual xml and I've not been able to successfully navigate it. Here's an example of the xml:

    <Report><ReportHost name="SampleHostName"><HostProperties><tag name="End_Time">Fri Jul 30 16:14:56 2010</tag><tag name="mac-address">00:00:00:00:00:01</tag><tag name="os_name">Microsoft Windows</tag><tag name="hostname">TestHostname</tag><tag name="Start_Time">Fri Jul 30 16:13:51 2010</tag></HostProperties>...</ReportHost>...</Report>

    And here is relevant portion of the XSLT that I'm trying to use to assign "TestHostname" to an XSLT variable:

    <xsl:for-each select="Report/ReportHost">	  <xsl:variable name="hostname" select="HostProperties/tag"/>

    Running this, the variable "hostname" is assigned all the information (Fri Jul 30 16:14:56 2010 00:00:00:00:00:01 Microsoft Windows TestHostname Fri Jul 30 16:13:51 2010). If I run it with the select expression "HostProperties/hostname" it returns nothing. How can I assign the xslt variable "hostname" the relevant data that is held in

    <tag name="hostname">TestHostname</tag>

    ? Unfortunately I haven't been able to find any information quite like this in any of the documentation or trainings I've seen.

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