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Posts posted by xbl1

  1. it's really annoying that IE6 wont support :hover on anything but a link2 ways around this problem are:1) wrap the whole td in an <a> tag (the problem with this is that your page will not validate) 2) use javascript, just google "rollover div javascript" (problem here: small amount of users have javascript turned off )
    Thanks for your advice.
  2. HI;Does the hover not support for the IE browser ?I am using a hover for buttons in IE browser, it does not has any reaction when the cursor is held over the buttons, but it does work in the Firefox, Netscape, and Opera browser.Could any one tell me why ? Thanks.My code as following;

    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN""http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd"><html lang="en"> <head>	 <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />	 <style type="text/css" >		   body {				  font: 80% arial, helvetica, sans-serif;				  background: white;				  margin:0;				} 		  #container{				  position: relative;				  width: 780px;				  w\idth: 780px;				  border: solid #036;				  border-width: 0 3px;				  margin: auto;				}		  table {			  position: absolute;			  width: 700px;			  margin: auto;			 		 }					  table td {			  background: url(mybutton1.jpg);			  background-repeat: no-repeat;			  background-position: center;			  width: 150px;			  height: 50px;			  text-align: center;			  font-size: 20px;			  color: white;			 		 }		 table td:hover {			  background: url(mybutton2.jpg);			  background-repeat: no-repeat;			  background-position: center;		 }		 		 	 </style></head><body><div id="container">	  <table> 			 <tr>				 <td> Home </td> <td> About Us </td> <td> Contact Us </td> <td> Help </td>			 </tr>	  </table>				</div></body></html>

  3. The third way is to get you content providers to convert their video which they wish to submit to a standard format on their PC’s before they upload, this is probably the easiest solution but you will need to find some software they can convert their files with.SMIL - maybe useful but depends on the media format.Flowplayer a open source flash video player the site has some useful info on encoding flv using FFmpeg.http://flowplayer.sourceforge.net/ThanksMatt
    Thanks for your response.These are quite usefull details for me. I prefer the third way, it is convenience for both side, and i just found a website to help people to free convert their files, it is great, which is http://media-convert.com/.But i think i may spend more money to create my own flash video server hosting, it will cost $5000 for year, i think. because the large plan from the Influxis, it just can allow up to 100 user Simultaneous Connections, and the Bandwidth Allowance just 50 GB transfer / month, so probably i need to create my own one from the Influxix.
  4. Hello;I want to let customer upload videos to my website and watch them, exactly like youtube does.Do you think what kind of skills i need to have?At the movement, i can use php, javascript, and i will learn some stuff from W3Schools SMIL Reference and W3Schools SMIL Tutorial. Thanks

  5. Hi..for that first you have to check that whether this file's directory have ful rights or not..?if not then give 777 by chmod or manually.. then try u will get it..Regards,Vijay
    Hi vijay;Thanks for your advice. it works now.i set the permission of the file to 740, then it does work, i am hosting now.Do you think the 740 is enough safty?
  6. Hello; :):) I am trying to open a new file, but it give me the following massage, could anyone help, please.Warning: fopen(testFile.php) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in index.php on line 3can't open file<?php$ourFileName = "testFile.php";$ourFileHandle = fopen($ourFileName, 'w') or die("can't open file");fclose($ourFileHandle);?>

  7. If you have written a JavaScript code, you will get a message if it's wrong.And with PHP you will get a syntax error if it's wrong. Or else it's just wrong, but still nothing's wrong. Haha, I don't think there are any validators for PHP and JavaScript, if it is I wanna try them out to check my PHP codes.
    Don't you think it can run on console and analysis it?
  8. Hello;I'd like to ask you some question, please.I am hosting at the movement.How i can validate my website which it include javascript and php code?I can validate the html and css by using some online validators, like w3 or something else. But how about the javascript and php code, how i can known the code is correct when some things wrong with my code.I could not find out anything could help me to validate that from server site, i could run my Mysql in server side to see it is alright or not.Any one could tell me how to solve this problem, please.Thanks

  9. IE is the only browser that lets you do that.I would use javascript to turn all that stuff off. It will give you a lot more uniform control.Check out "Javascript Popups"That should give you an idea what parameters you will need and can use.
    Thanks, i will go to find it out
  10. Could anyone help me to find some errors from the following; Thanks :) I got some error massage from my validator;1. Comment: The lite edition missed 2 warnings that the standard or professional edition would have found.2. Comment: 0 errors, 0 warnings, 0 messages, 2 comments.
    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd"> <html><body><h4>Cell that spans two rows:</h4><table border="1"><tr>  <th>First Name:</th>  <td>Bill Gates</td></tr><tr>  <th rowspan="2">Telephone:</th>  <td>555 77 854</td></tr><tr>  <td>555 77 855</td></tr></table></body></html>

    It worked for me... :) What errors do you have?
    Thanks, i found it out, it missed a header
  11. Could anyone help me to find some errors from the following; Thanks :) I got some error massage from my validator;1. Comment: The lite edition missed 2 warnings that the standard or professional edition would have found.2. Comment: 0 errors, 0 warnings, 0 messages, 2 comments.

    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd"> <html><body><h4>Cell that spans two rows:</h4><table border="1"><tr>  <th>First Name:</th>  <td>Bill Gates</td></tr><tr>  <th rowspan="2">Telephone:</th>  <td>555 77 854</td></tr><tr>  <td>555 77 855</td></tr></table></body></html>

  12. Hello; :) Could any one tell how to kill the scrollbars from IE, Firefox, Netscape,please.My following code just work for IE, it doesn't not affect another browsers. #newst {overflow: scroll; overflow-y: scroll; overflow-x: hidden; overflow:-moz-scrollbars-vertical;}<textarea name="newst" id="newst" rows="10" cols="45" ></textarea>

  13. Prateek, you can choose not to import your favorites from IE in the firefox setup process - i'm sure it's the same with other browsers.
    Hi Webworldx;At the movement, i got 3 browers in my computer. If i use the FireFox most of time, and i add some more links to bookmark later on. Then in this case, how i can import the bookmark from the FireFox to IE and the NetScape? Do you known how to do that?
  14. I was making a simple code that you put the year you were born and it gives you your age; but it didn't work. Can you please tell me where am I wrong?Thanks.Here is the code:
    <html><head><script type="text/javascript">function disp_prompt()  {  var year=prompt("Please write the year you were born","1950")  var age=2006-year	{	document.write("Hello, you are" + age + "years old"!)	}  }</script></head><body><input type="button" onclick="disp_prompt()" value="Click here" /></body></html>

    change the "document.write("Hello, you are" + age + "years old"!)" to the document.write("Hello, you are" + age + "years old!"), then it must work.
  15. Hello; i got a bbcode, and i want to it whether it can be compatibility with firefox, mozilla, netscape navigator, please, and i has not of them. Would anyone help me to test it, please. Just see it can work on them or not.test.html<html><head><script language="Javascript">var isMozilla = (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('gecko')!=-1) ? true : false;var regexp = new RegExp("[\r]","gi");function storeCaret(selec){ if (isMozilla) { // Si on est sur Mozilla oField = document.forms['news'].elements['newst']; objectValue = oField.value; deb = oField.selectionStart; fin = oField.selectionEnd; objectValueDeb = objectValue.substring( 0 , oField.selectionStart ); objectValueFin = objectValue.substring( oField.selectionEnd , oField.textLength ); objectSelected = objectValue.substring( oField.selectionStart ,oField.selectionEnd ); // alert("Debut:'"+objectValueDeb+"' ("+deb+")\nFin:'"+objectValueFin+"' ("+fin+")\n\nSelectionné:'"+objectSelected+"'("+(fin-deb)+")"); oField.value = objectValueDeb + "[" + selec + "]" + objectSelected + "[/" + selec + "]" + objectValueFin; oField.selectionStart = strlen(objectValueDeb); oField.selectionEnd = strlen(objectValueDeb + "[" + selec + "]" + objectSelected + "[/" + selec + "]"); oField.focus(); oField.setSelectionRange( objectValueDeb.length + selec.length + 2, objectValueDeb.length + selec.length + 2); } else { // Si on est sur IE oField = document.forms['news'].elements['newst']; var str = document.selection.createRange().text; if (str.length>0) { // Si on a selectionné du texte var sel = document.selection.createRange(); sel.text = "[" + selec + "]" + str + "[/" + selec + "]"; sel.collapse(); sel.select(); } else { oField.focus(oField.caretPos); // alert(oField.caretPos+"\n"+oField.value.length+"\n") oField.focus(oField.value.length); oField.caretPos = document.selection.createRange().duplicate(); var bidon = "%~%"; var orig = oField.value; oField.caretPos.text = bidon; var i = oField.value.search(bidon); oField.value = orig.substr(0,i) + "[" + selec + "][/" + selec + "]" + orig.substr(i, oField.value.length); var r = 0; for(n = 0; n < i; n++) {if(regexp.test(oField.value.substr(n,2)) == true){r++;}}; pos = i + 2 + selec.length - r; //placer(document.forms['news'].elements['newst'], pos); var r = oField.createTextRange(); r.moveStart('character', pos); r.collapse(); r.select(); } }}</script></head><body><center><form name="news"><input type="button" value="b" style="width:50px;font-weight:bold" onclick="storeCaret('b')"><input type="button" value="i" style="width:50px;font-style:italic" onclick="storeCaret('i')"><input type="button" value="u" style="width:50px;text-decoration:underline" onclick="storeCaret('u')"><input type="button" value="quote"style="width:50px" onclick="storeCaret('quote')"><input type="button" value="code"style="width:50px" onclick="storeCaret('code')"><input type="button" value="url"style="width:50px" onclick="storeCaret('url')"><input type="button" value="img"style="width:50px" onclick="storeCaret('img')"><br><textarea name="newst" id="newst" rows="10" wrap="virtual" cols="45"></textarea></form></center></body></html>

  16. :):) Yes, the code is exactly from the link of http://www.iceteks.com/articles.php/javascript/2. i just copied them and paste them. but the original code does not work properly. because the code is so long, so i do not want to paste here.1) some buttons disapear. and some unexpected text in the textarea. But i have fixed it now, because it missed a closs tag of [/table].2) when i click on the buttons, it does not work. i just copid the original ocde and pasted it.Could you copy it and paste it to help me to find out the problem, please. Thanks
    >some buttons disapear. and some unexpected text in the textarea. But i have fixed it now, because it >missed a closs tag of [/table].it missed out of clossed tag for [/textarae]
  17. have you got a link or your code you could post?
    :):) Yes, the code is exactly from the link of http://www.iceteks.com/articles.php/javascript/2. i just copied them and paste them. but the original code does not work properly. because the code is so long, so i do not want to paste here.1) some buttons disapear. and some unexpected text in the textarea. But i have fixed it now, because it missed a closs tag of [/table].2) when i click on the buttons, it does not work. i just copid the original ocde and pasted it.Could you copy it and paste it to help me to find out the problem, please. Thanks
  18. Hello; I got the following code from the link of http://www.iceteks.com/articles.php/javascript/2.and i find that some buttons do not sit in the right place. The buttons of post, preview and start over should sit outside of the textarea, but they sit inside the textarea.and the end of result should like the http://www.iceteks.com/articles.php/javascript/4 .and also it does not have reaction when i click a button, could you tell me why, please.

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