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Javascript script working in FireFox but not IE


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Hey guys, I've got a script where you select what you want displayed from a drop down menu, and, obviously, what you select is what displays.

 <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" ><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="sddm.css" ><script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">		<!--;			var page_url = "";			function makeObject() {			var x;			var browser = navigator.appName;				if (browser == "Microsoft Internet Explorer") {				x = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");				}				else {				x = new XMLHttpRequest();				}			return x;			}			var request = makeObject();			function open_page() {			request.open("get", ""+document.forms['selectForm'].selection.value+"");			request.onreadystatechange = parseInfo;			request.send('');			}			function parseInfo() {				if (request.readyState == 1) {				document.getElementById("myDiv").innerHTML = "Loading...";				}				if (request.readyState == 4) {				var answer = request.responseText;				document.getElementById("myDiv").innerHTML = answer;				}			}		//-->		</script></head><b><center><font color=#C7C7C7><br><br><img src="/divide.jpg"><br><br><table style="width:100%;">			<tr>				<td width="15%"><center>Please select what to show:					<form action="" method="" name="selectForm">						<input type="hidden" name="selection" value="" />						<select name="changeDiv">							<option onclick="java script:document.forms['selectForm'].selection.value='HC.php';">Habbo Club</option>							<option onclick="java script:document.forms['selectForm'].selection.value='regular.php';">Regular Rares</option>							<option onclick="java script:document.forms['selectForm'].selection.value='super.php';">Super Rares</option>							<option onclick="java script:document.forms['selectForm'].selection.value='vday.php';">Valentine's Day</option>							<option onclick="java script:document.forms['selectForm'].selection.value='easter.php';">Easter</option>							<option onclick="java script:document.forms['selectForm'].selection.value='habboween.php';">Habboween</option>							<option onclick="java script:document.forms['selectForm'].selection.value='xmas.php';">Christmas</option>							<option onclick="java script:document.forms['selectForm'].selection.value='sports.php';">Sports</option>							<option onclick="java script:document.forms['selectForm'].selection.value='bathroom.php';">Bathroom</option>							<option onclick="java script:document.forms['selectForm'].selection.value='fengshui.php';">Feng Shui</option>						</select>						<input type="button" onclick="java script:open_page();" value="Go" />					</form>				</td>			</tr></table></b><br><br><br><table border="0" width="580">	<tr>		<td width="25">    </td>		<td width="197"><center><img src="Furni/hcsofa.gif">			<b><font size="2"><br>HC Sofa</b><br>HC Sofas- 1<br>			Ducks- 50</font></center>	  </td>		<td width="70">    </td>		<td width="176"><center><img src="Furni/duck.gif">			<b><font size="2"><br>		  Duck</b><br>HC Sofas- 0.02<br>	  Coins- 1</font></td><td width="82"></center>		<td width="4"></td>	</tr>	 	<tr>		<td> <br> <br> </td>	</tr>	</table>			<div id="myDiv">		</div> </center>

Can anyone help me?

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Tanis,Change your Option lines to read as follows

<option value='HC.php'>Habbo Club</option>

Also, add this id to your select line.

<select name="changeDiv" id="changeDiv">

In the function open_page, change

request.open("get", ""+document.forms['selectForm'].selection.value+"");


request.open("get", document.getElementById("changeDiv").options[document.getElementById("changeDiv").selectedIndex].value,true);

When you click the "Go" button, the open_page function will get the value of the selected option and use it as the URL for the page you want to retrieve.

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