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Testing a variable with a boolean value

Khisanth Magus

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I have a variable created that is supposed to hold whether something exists within the source document.<xsl:variable name="BSExists" select="boolean(aamc:SECTION/aamc:SECTIONNAME[contains(.,'BS')])" />I am using XMLSpy, and when using the debugger the variable tracker says that BSExists is true. However, when I try and test it in a <choose>-<when> function I cannot get the program to go into the when. I have tried the following:<when test="BSExists"><when test="BSExists = true"><when test="BSExists = 'true'"><when test="BSExists = true()>I'm running out of things I can try. None of these allowed the translation to step into the when case, it always skipped to the <otherwise> case.

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