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double <<


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Hi,I have 2 pages on my web that have a < in the top of the page.If I look at the source code generated I do find<<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-/ etcIn my code it starts with <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-/So I don't understand why there are 2 "<"I have gone thru all the code on my page and all < seem to be closed with a >Any ideas where I can start to find the error ?TIA

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you'll have to post the code so we can see it.
I have found and corrected the problem, but not sure why it was happeningWhen I looked at my code in dreamweaver or notepad, I would see <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">I decided to look at my code directly via ftp on my site.And to my surprise, I saw<<!DOCTYP...So I went into note pad, I put a carriage return before "<!DOCTYP . . .", then fooled around a bit, deleted the <, and now low and behold all works well. Not sure why I'd see one < on my hard disk, then after a transfer, << would show up. Any ideas ? Thanks
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