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SEO OPtimization HELP


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hi all, i just launched my new site www.givefavors.com and now would like to optimize for higher search rankings. using my webdesigner will be costly. Any idea how I can do it myself? i have never done html or code. i need to create title tags for all my pages and add my keywords to the meta tags.any other SEO tips welcome - nothing shady...any help is appreciated. :)

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SEO folks widely agree that the signals that influence a page's rankings include:Keywords in the title tag. Keywords in links pointing to the page. Keywords appearing in visible text. Link popularity. (PageRank for Google) of the page. Keywords in Heading Tag H1,H2 and H3 Tags in webpage. Linking from one page to inner pages. Placing punch line at the top of page. Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Search_engine_optimizationIn the sites I've done, SEO emphasis is on (as you mention) document titles, keyword and content metas.

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links is one of the main ways.But, the links have to be from relevant sites, with high search engine rankings.Best way is, search for the term you want your page to be highly ranked on, go to the sites that comes up on the first few pages of that search and ask for a link. Pretty much all will ask for a link back.:)

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If you build your site with XML...you can use parts of your XML to create meta tags...you can also create a RSS feed to your websiteYou can submit your website free to search engines also...search on google "free search engine submission" you'll find a lot.

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You've mentioned using your <title> tag and the <meta> keyword and descriptions. Make sure they are unique to each page - you can have some common keywords, but each page should have additional ones that reflect the content on that page. The description should be unique as well.Other things that help is to have an <h1> on every page (only have one and use CSS to make it look and behave as you wish). Follow that with a few <h2> tags and search engines will place appropriate emphasis on your content. Be sure your HTML is well formated and your using it to the fullest extend. All you <a> tags shuld use the "title" attribute and images should have height, width, and alt attributes defined.Lastly, your search engine ranking is something you never stop maintaining. You should submit your site every month and make an effort to have your site linked to from as many respectable sources as possible. Stay away from web rings where you just point to any random (or maybe not so random) site - they can actually hurt you. A good link to your site is one that points the user there for a reason. Search Engines are like Word-of-Mouth advertising - they are reference based. So press release, news paper sites, industry directories, chamber of commerce, and related businesses are good places to find ways to get your web addresses linked to in their content.Although the design of your site is very nice and professional - I wish Avileax would have considered having a little more text on the site's pages so that search engines would have a little more to work with (I mean look at their site: http://www.avileax.com/) - errrr hypocrites (see how they worked in links to their interior pages in their homepage text) - they look like they know what they are doing, wonder why they sold you short. And the number of nested tables is a little old school, but is a moot point now that you are launched. The site looks like it will do everything you need it to do so stay on top of conventional advertising and remember that the internet is global, so your keywords and content should try to localized. Don't just say "wedding favors" say "wedding favors, orange county ca, Irvine ca" etc.I imagine that you already might be doing this, but bridal shows are great opportunities to market your site - remember, you are marketing your site as well as your business - make them work together. Rotating online special offers are a good thing. Since weddings take time to plan, people will likely visit your site more than once as they narrow down their choices for companies and then for products. So make sure something changes often - provide an incentive for visitors to return. In your industry, you might even offer tips and tricks to event decor - offer YOUR unique perspective on favors or whatever so that you give visitors new ideas and therefore reasons to solicite your services.I know I got off track a little - I just had a wave of thought . . . .:)P.S. Did they hook you up with a Froogle Feed?http://www.google.com/base/help/sellongoogle.html

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question for Skemcin - thanks so much for your post. i appreciate all the feedback.how did you know avileax created my site? in terms of the visual design - it was me who wanted the categories and subcategories - if that is what you mean by nesting tables??All my competitors sites are filled with text - which makes navigation of hundreds of products so difficult - now i know why. I wanted to create a very beautiful user friendly site. however i wish they had told me initially that this would hurt my rankings and i would have redesigned it a little differently. this really bugs me :) do you think the homepage flash is an issue? Also, I sell to all U.S. not only Irvine - so i don't know about using the city in my keywords.i have actually done bridal shows too - but thanks so much for the idea. I think I want to optimize the site to be able to rank in google or yahoo - top three natural listings. Do you offer optimizing services - in terms of adding tags, etc.. if so let me know what you charge for your services?Thanks again,Shannon

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question for Skemcin - thanks so much for your post. i appreciate all the feedback.how did you know avileax created my site? in terms of the visual design - it was me who wanted the categories and subcategories - if that is what you mean by nesting tables??All my competitors sites are filled with text - which makes navigation of hundreds of products so difficult - now i know why. I wanted to create a very beautiful user friendly site. however i wish they had told me initially that this would hurt my rankings and i would have redesigned it a little differently. this really bugs me :) do you think the homepage flash is an issue? Also, I sell to all U.S. not only Irvine - so i don't know about using the city in my keywords.i have actually done bridal shows too - but thanks so much for the idea. I think I want to optimize the site to be able to rank in google or yahoo - top three natural listings. Do you offer optimizing services - in terms of adding tags, etc.. if so let me know what you charge for your services?Thanks again,Shannon
(see your PM):)
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