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Need a little help


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I'm fairly new to javascript and I have been having trouble learning it. I need to finish a project where I have to be able to type in a number and depending what that number is a message will appear on the screen. Like if I type a number between 1 and 10 message A will appear, 11 to 20: Message B. I have the if else statement set up, I'm just having trouble displying it. If anyone knows off hand how to do it or has an example or a direct link on how to do this I'd really appreciate it. I've searched all over the web and cant seem to find it. Thanks.

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<html><head>	<title></title>	<script>			var num = prompt("Enter a number","");		showMessage(num);			function showMessage(num)		{			if(!isNaN(num))			{				if(num < 1)					alert("The number needs to be greater than 0");				else if(num > 0 && num < 11)					alert("1 to 10");				else if(num > 10 && num < 21)					alert("11 to 20");				else					alert("Greater than 20");			}			else				alert("You need to enter a number!");		}		</script></head><body></body></html>

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Now that I finished your homework for you...did you learn something? :)

<html><head>	<title></title>	<script>			function showMessage()		{			var num = parseInt(document.getElementById("num").value);			var msg = "";			if(!isNaN(num))			{				if(num < 1)					msg = "The number needs to be greater than 0";				else if(num > 0 && num < 11)					msg = "1 to 10";				else if(num > 10 && num < 21)					msg = "11 to 20";				else					msg = "Greater than 20";			}			else				msg = "You need to enter a number!";							document.getElementById("message").value = msg;		}		</script></head><body>	<input id="num"> <input type="button" value="Send" onclick="showMessage()">	<br><br>	Message:<br>	<textarea cols="30" rows="2" id="message"></textarea></body></html>

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