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how can I pass a value to another page


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hello..hope some one can help me..my question is how can I pass my value in current form to another form and then retrieve it so that I can used the passed value later...tq..
There are 2 ways to pass values entered in various fields from one form to another...1. POST method: [send data]<form id="frm" runat="server" method="POST" action="nextpage.aspx">...................<input type="text" runat="server" id="TXT1" size="20">Retrieve data in nextpage.aspx.vbdim str as string = Request.Form("TXT1")2. GET method[send data]<form id="frm" runat="server" method="GET" action="nextpage.aspx">...................<input type="text" runat="server" id="TXT1" size="20">Retrieve data in nextpage.aspx.vbdim str as string = Request.querystring("TXT1")This method passes values in the URL.
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