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how to retrieve no of visits for the page


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If you decide to build your own, an easy way to implement this in .NET is to handle it in the Application_BeginRequest event handler in the Global.asax.cs (or Global.asax.vb if you're using VB) file.

using System.Web;public class Global : HttpApplication{	protected void Application_BeginRequest(Object sender, EventArgs e)	{   // This method runs as soon as a request is sent to the web server for		// any resource in your .NET website.  You can get the path to the file here.		string path = HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.AbsolutePath;		// "path" will now store the file name for your page.  This is where		// you could put the code to increment a counter that keeps track of		// how many times the page has been loaded.  This data could be		// stored in a database or in a file on the server's hard drive.		// Once all the code in here executes, the request gets sent on its		// merry way.	}}

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