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button to full screen mode


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I want to place a button on my page that will reopn the current document in full screen mode. To accomplish this I have used:

<button name='viewmode' id='viewmode' value='Full Screen' onclick='window.open(document.URL,"_blank", channelmode="yes", directories="no", fullscreen="yes", location="no", menubar="no", resizable="no", status="no", titlebar="no", toolbar="no" );' />

What I get is the old document opened in a new window, but not full screen. Parts of the function work. My new window does not have the address bar or a status bar, as requested. But no full screen. In addition to that, the window that had the button now says 'page can not be displayed'. I may be taking the wrong approach here, or misusing some open() parameters. Any help sure would be appreciated. ThanksGeorge

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use 0 for no and 1 for yes insteadie. status=0
I made that change, but got the same results. Here is what works and what does not work with the window.open() function on my browser:
window.open(document.URL,		//works"_blank", 			//workschannelmode=1, 		// unkdirectories=0, 		//worksfullscreen=1, 		//does not worklocation=0, 		//unkmenubar=0, 		//worksresizable=0,		//works 					status=0, 			//workstitlebar=0, 		//does not worktoolbar=0 );		//works

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Can I send a keypress through JS, and so emulate the F11 key in windows IE, which toggels full screen on and off? This page will only be viewed using IE, and I know the ASCII key code for F11 is 122. How can I get a button on my page to push the client's F11 key?

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I don't know that I've personally ever seen a website that is able to change my browser so that the window is in fullscreen mode. I'm not sure it's possible. What is possible is to open a new window with no toolbars, no status bar, etc and specify the width to be the width of the visitor's monitor and the height to be the height of the visitor's monitor, thus filling the screen with the browser. To do this, you need to get the size of the visitor's screen using javascript and then use those values in your window.open function. This link might help you in that regard: http://www.javascriptkit.com/howto/newtech3.shtml

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i went through a similar thing as welltrying to get the current page to open full screeni don't think it is possible to link the F11 function through javascriptingi made a call to the window.open functionthe problem is with the syntax of your window.open callall the window parameters need to be grouped togetherit should be grouped

window.open('src_location', 'window_name', 'window parameters')


window.open('test.htm', 'newFullScreenWindow', 'fullscreen=yes, channelmode=yes,scrollbars=yes')

http://www.w3schools.com/htmldom/met_win_open.asp lists all the parameters

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I don't know that I've personally ever seen a website that is able to change my browser so that the window is in fullscreen mode. I'm not sure it's possible.
:) Yes yes, it is possible. :) What I have is a navagation page with an iFrame. The content page in the iFrame has a button to go full screen, totally full screen, no window trappings what-so-ever. Then there is a button on the full screen to go back to the navagation page with that same page again in the iFrame, except now the button reads 'Go to Full Screen'. And it all works!! Now I can go take a long walk in the snow. Life is good. - George
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glad to help georgebut as jesh says,if you have made a call to the window.open option,you have brought up a new window full-screened,with toolbars invisible and sized to fullscreenif alt-tab, you will see that when in full screen mode,you would actually have the previous windowand this new full screen windowits not actually possible to make your current browser go full screen as the F11 function doesso the full screen window is a double of your original windownot a big deal for stills and textbut if you are streaming media, you might need to check that double streaming is not too intensive on the serverespecially if the number of people using it increases

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Ah, but is it a browser in full screen mode or is it a browser in windowed mode with toolbars invisible and sized to fit the entire screen?
There is no border around the content, and the content fills the screen. This is what I wanted.
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glad to help georgebut as jesh says,if you have made a call to the window.open option,you have brought up a new window full-screened,with toolbars invisible and sized to fullscreenif alt-tab, you will see that when in full screen mode,you would actually have the previous windowand this new full screen windowits not actually possible to make your current browser go full screen as the F11 function doesso the full screen window is a double of your original windownot a big deal for stills and textbut if you are streaming media, you might need to check that double streaming is not too intensive on the serverespecially if the number of people using it increases
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but if you are streaming media...
I will be, but I thought the client side app that renders the streaming content takes care of that. (real player, quick time, etc..)On the app I have been working on here, in the "full screen" mode, the page has a button that takes the user back to normal, in my case, back inside an iFrame. And it all works now! :) Yeah!I do have another issue with streaming media . . synchronicity with a powerpoint presentation. I have seen this done by putting something (a que) in the stream that can be picked up by a javascript, which then loads the next ppt slide (which was actually a ppt slide saved as a gif). It works. But now that we have our own equipment for recording, how do we insert that que durring the recording? (it's always something totallychibi) Anyway, thanks for you assistance with this one.
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