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user detection


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I am doing a Access application that needs, in one of my forms, detect wich user is accessing it. We have multiple DRVs(Directeur régionnal des ventes , wich means Regional Sales Director... but i dont think that "director" is the right word in english... anyway), wich supervise diffrent stores.The form I am working on is a kind of query executor. Theres a treeview with a bunch of Stored Procs in it, when you click on one, the associated controls show up, these controls are the parameters of the stored proc, and when you click on apply, the query is executed and the results are shown in a JanusGrid(a grid basically... but with more options and all... its an ActiveX control). the there is buttons and textbox where you can decide to export the data in excel, either in a plain document, or in a template, and you can ask it to start at a desired location in the excel worksheet, and you can ask to skip some columns(useful when you export in a template, and you need to jump over a "totals" column and such... its pretty cool. anyway, back to the point.the fact is, each DRV supervise a couple of stores. So m. DRV #1 supervise store #1, 7 and 43, while DRV #2 supervise stores #2, 4, 54 and 102 for example. So i need to detect wich user is accessing the form so i can show its name on the top of the form, and so i can pass it as a parameter to my Stored Proc so only the shops he supervises only. not all the shops.I'm working on a .adp database, in ADODB... i know some functions arent the same in .adp and .mdb, so i specify it...thanks!

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