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Need Fixed for IE


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its not floating correctly in IE. it could be that IE is picking up on some padding or margin that FF isnt which is making the floated column wider than the space for it in the container so, it drops down to the bottom. 1) you could get rid of all the default margins by adding the css* {margin: 0; padding: 0;}2) use condtional comments to make an IE specific style sheet in which the width of the right column is smaller 3) add overflow:hidden on the overall container (this should allow the elements within to float correctly but may cause some clipping of the content)

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I added the {margin: 0; padding: 0;} to the stylesheet (the margin and padding was already 0 in the body) I also added the overflow: hidden; to the #wrap:

#wrap {	width:910px;	background-image:url(graphics/wrap-bg.gif);	background-repeat:repeat-y;	margin: 0 auto;	overflow:hidden;	}

I even reduced the width of the #interior (main content div for interior pages) by 200 pixels to see if that would move everything up, but it didn't. :) still no luck.

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Well, that is actually the div that contains all of the content below the header. It isn't just a left div. So, when I put the width down to 200px, it screwed it up in every browser. :) Thanks for your help though!

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Tried to trace where the div open and close. seems like the container div "content_wrap" is closed after the "left_col" and the "welcome_join" and other divs are outside the container div. so they are moved to the bottom

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