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IE problem


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I have used this template to base a site redesign on, with some modifications:http://www.w3schools.com/css/tryit.asp?fil...e=trycss_float6The page is http://www.sunrisetrail.ca/index.html and looks ok in Firefox, and I was even able to center this fixed width layout, but when I look at it in IE 7 the content in the right hand column is pushed down the screen to start below the bottom of the content in the left hand column.Here is the modified style code responsible for layout. I have fixed the width and adjusted margins to suit my requirements. Added margin auto to center it all.

div.container{width:760px;margin:0px;border:0px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;}div.header,div.footer{padding:0.5em;color:white;background-color:white;clear:left;}h1.header{padding:0;margin:0;}div.left{float:left;width:560px;margin:0;padding:1em;}div.right{margin-left:580px;border-left:1px solid gray;padding:1em;}

I am assuming that this is an IE problem. OTOH it could be my total incompetence at this:) Is it easily fixable?What really worries me is that I will continue to find more problems like this and wonder whether it is really worth it or necessary to try converting this layout to css or should I go back to a table

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it has to do with the margins and paddings adding up differently in IE than in FF. You will have to use conditional comments to have different CSS for IE and then play with the paddings, etc.BTW what part of NS are you from? I live in Kingston

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it has to do with the margins and paddings adding up differently in IE than in FF. You will have to use conditional comments to have different CSS for IE and then play with the paddings, etc.BTW what part of NS are you from? I live in Kingston
Thanks. I have worked around it by making the right box a little wider. I'm thinking there must be some paddings that don't default to zero. Anyway, I have it working now and will be leaving well alone!I am from River John, Pictou Co.
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