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My Domain is being used for Phishing


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HiI recently received a warning through a feedback form I have on my site. It included a link that looks like it belongs to my site (apart from the rediculously long random url) which, if followed leads to a phishing scam website.My question is: Is this something I can prevent? Is it a fault in my code or is it an issue for my hosting company.Googling the issue it seems the problem is common but usually involves variations on the domain rather the actual domain itself. While my site is for personal use (not commercial) for developing my web design skills, it is still annoying that these people can violate my domain like this.Would appreciate any advice.Many Thanks

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Are you sure the root domain is exactly the same as yours? If so, it may be the registrars fault. Who did you register your domain name with?

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yes its exactly the same. I dont really want to post a phishing link.Its www.mydomain.co.uk/house/img/randomnumbersequence/index.htmlthat directory tree does not exist on my server but I do have a file called house.php....not sure if that is related?The first thing I did was contact my hosting company.Thanks for the resposne

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Does your hosting company handle your domain registration as well? If not, contact your registrar too, they may have an idea. Otherwise I suppose you will have to wait for your host to respond.Did you put house.php there yourself? That may be causing the problem, though it is highly unlikely. What permissions does it have?

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You want to get this resolved quickly. If someone reports your domain it could be shutdown which would require more work to get it back up. In your hosting control panel are their any files you did not place there? Make sure to check your .htaccess files. Someone could have placed a .htaccess file that is doing a redirect to another site but making it look like it is your domain which would get you shut down not them.

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