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How to control the styles in multiple xsl


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Hii..I am trying to transform xml files through xslt. I am having an element <people> in two xml files. I have linked all xml files in one xml file and import all xsl files in one xsl file.XML1:<people><head>People</head><list><listitem><p>Paleo-Indians</p></listitem><listitem><p>Archaic Indians</p></listitem></list></people>XSL1:<xsl:template match="lesson/opener/people"><xsl:element name="sidebar"><xsl:attribute name="render">required</xsl:attribute><xsl:apply-templates/></xsl:element></xsl:template>XML2<people> is the root node for this xml.XSL2:<xsl:template match="people"><level><xsl:attribute name="class">People</xsl:attribute><xsl:apply-templates/></level></xsl:template>The output is: (The style which i have given in the xsl2 is applied to xml1)<level class="People"><hd>People</hd><list><li><p>Paleo-Indians</p></li><li><p>Archaic Indians</p></li></list></level>Thanks in Advance,srkumar

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From those portions, I could only suppose that the first template is simply never applied.The first template would only match a "people" element, if it is located in a "opener" element, located in a "lesson" element. The second is applyed to every "people" element, regardless of its location.Since you only have a "people" element in both of your XMLs, only the second template ever gets applied.

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