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Old Table - New Tricks?


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I have an invoice appear on my page, and I am using a table to align the columns and rows. I would like to have a frame around the table, and then have the row borders be dashes instead of lines. I have tried a number of different approaches - creating a class for the table, creating a class for the row. But I can't seem to get it them to work. Am I just trying to teach an old table new tricks? Are there any examples of data holding tables created exclusivey with CSS? ThanksGeorge

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This is a rough draft but you can fiddle with the code to see how it works.CSS:

table {	border: 2px solid #000000;	border-collapse:collapse;}td {	border-bottom: 1px dashed #000000;}

If you planning to define just a table for some data, then you might want to give it a ID name so that it doesn't add borders to the other existing tables that you may not want to change:

table#style-1 {	border: 2px solid #000000;	border-collapse:collapse;}table#style-1 td {	border-bottom: 1px dashed #000000;}

If you use the latter css code, then you need (must) ad the ID name to the table in the HTML code:

<table id="style-1">

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