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So I have a Nav bar at the top of my page, two of the categories have submenus that appear. They simply make a div visible/hidden depending on what is moused over. The only problem is, I can't make them dissappear afterwards. I can't use the mouseout on the same button that makes the subnavigation appear because you have to be able to mouse down to the sub menu. At first I tried enclosing the regular and the sub navigation withing a div and using the onmouseout event of the div, but that doesn't work. Then I thought, what if I checked to see if the mouse position is below x pixels, and then hid it? The trouble is, I have no idea how to do that. Can it be done, if if so; how?I have a feeling that is not all too clear... But I guess we'll find out...

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ehh... I don't have a webhost right now... I can post the code though:

<!-- <html>, <head>, <title>, <meta>, and <script> --><script type="text/javascript"><!--function showSubNav(toshow){	changeObjectVisibility("claninfo","hidden");	changeObjectVisibility("tools","hidden");	changeObjectVisibility(toshow,"visible");}//--></script></head><body><div class="navigation">	<a id="nav_left"> </a><a href="index.html" id="nav_current">Home Page</a><a	href="http://forums.theunitedfrontclan.com/index.php">Forums</a><a	href="recruitment.php">Recruitment</a><a	href="clan_information.html" onmouseover="showSubNav('claninfo');">Clan Information</a><a	href="tools.html" onmouseover="showSubNav('tools');">Tools</a><a	href="server_rules.html">Server Rules</a><a	id="nav_right"> </a></div><div class="subnavigation" id="claninfo" style="visibility: hidden;">	<a id="nav_left"> </a><a	href="rank_requirements.html">Rank Requirements</a><a	href="medals.html">Medals</a><a	href="regs.html">Rules and Regulations</a><a	href="member_pictures.html">Member Pictures</a><a	id="nav_right"> </a></div><div class="subnavigation" id="tools" style="visibility: hidden;">	<a id="nav_left"> </a><a	href="downloads.html">Downloads</a><a	href="guides.html">Guides</a><a	id="nav_right"> </a></div><!-- More Content, </body>, and </html> -->

And yes, I'm addicted to the use of '...'

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