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DHTML Rollovers


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I don't understand the code box selections, but I don't think I have to type the code. I'm teaching myself these languages for a class that I'm not doing too well in. Is there a definite way to make a rollover with javascript?Is there a way, even in javascript, to call a video as a rollover instead of an image, and is there a way to control the actions of that video? ie looping specifically.

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javascript is the usual way to go for a rollover effect on images.http://www.w3schools.com/js/tryit.asp?file...tryjs_animationi doubt theres a way to do it with videos with javascript only..unless you use animated gifs.for proper/real animations/videos, then flash is the way is to go for that. but i have no idea about flash and it takes alot of patience even to do simple things in flash for me.

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Thanks. I was told that there was a way to do it with a certain file exstension, but my teacher didn't tell me what it was. I never enjoyed flash, but I've used it before. I made myself a myspace so I would have a good area to mess around in, so I'm currently trying to amp it up a bit. Thanks again.

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