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Copying A Multi Dimensional Array


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I have a multi-dimensional array variable that I need to copymyArray1[x][y] and myArray2[x][y]Now, I can't just do this: myArray1 = myArray2The new array will only create a reference to the original array (In other words, when I change a value in the new array, the original will also be changed). For a single dimensional array, you can use the "slice" method to copy an array, without it becoming a reference to the original. But how can you use "slice" for multi-dimensional arrays? I tried to google it, but couldn't find anything.

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Interestingly, Jesh's method seems to work no matter what gets stored in the array variables. I tried this where one of the second-order array variables held a two-dimensional object, and everything copied just fine. I had imagined some hideously recursive method, but it looks like you only have to go one level deep in order to grab everything.

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