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Ajax: Xlmhttp.open("get", Variable, True);


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I noticed that the middle argument has to have quotations. What if I want the document to be a variable depending on what button I push? Let's say I have 10 buttons that will load different stuff into the page via AJAX, I dont' want to have to make 10 different functions that basically do the same thing.So when I do....

<img id="button1" src="pictures/button1.jpg" alt="Home" onClick = "ajaxFunction()">

...in my html, I was thinking I could pass a variable.....

<img id="button1" src="pictures/button1.jpg" alt="Home" onClick = "ajaxFunction(archive)">

and then do this in the script....

ajaxFunction(buttonID){etc etc...AJAX: xlmHTTP.open("GET", buttonID+".html", true);

The problem is, it seems that the middle argument that points to the file to be loaded, has to be in quotations. If I put buttonID in quotations, then it will try to load buttonID.html. So how can I get the buttonID variable into the argument?

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I'm a little confused. You literally want the button id (a useful way to do something) or something to do with this 'archive' word? If the former, try this:onclick = "ajaxFunction(this.id)"The middle parameter is just a string. You can pass it as a variable, a string literal (in quotes), or a combination -- so the way you're building the string will work just fine.

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I'll try to clarify.I have a button that, when pressed, I want it to run ajaxFunction(page1). Another button I want to run ajaxFunction(page2). This way, each button is running the same script, but with a different variable which would call different pages. So if ajaxFunction() recieves the variable page1 or page2 as pageID, then I can use xlmHTTP.open("GET", pageID+".html", true); and it will call up page1.html or page2.html.However, using your method of passing this.id works as well. I just have to id the button as the page I want to pull up which is no big deal. However, I cannot substitue this.id for page1 or "page1". Both give different errors. I think I understand why page1 doesn't work, because I haven't declared it as anything. But I don't know why I can't pass "page1" as it's just a string.

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If I understand, there's always this:onclick = "ajaxFunction('page1')"It's not my preference, because I don't like passing literals if I can help it. For that matter, I don't like assigning handlers in the tag. But that's me.If it doesn't work, post more code? There's something I'm missing.

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Ok, here's the snippet of code for my menu bar that contains the buttons using your method.

function ajaxFunction(buttonID){var xmlHttp;try{  // Firefox, Opera 8.0+, Safari    xmlHttp=new XMLHttpRequest();}catch (e)  {  // Internet Explorer    try    {        xmlHttp=new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");    }catch (e) {      try    {          xmlHttp=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");          }  catch (e)    {          alert("Your browser does not support AJAX!");    return false;          }     }  }  xmlHttp.onreadystatechange=function()    {    if(xmlHttp.readyState==4)      {      document.getElementById("main").innerHTML = xmlHttp.responseText;      }    }  xmlHttp.open("GET",buttonID+".html",true);  xmlHttp.send(null);  }

The pages to be loaded, current.html and december08.html are just text with some html tags.As it stands, this code works as I want it to. However, I do need to understand why my other method wouldn't work too because from what I understand from your input, it should. I cannot pass a string or a variable using the onclick. For example, instead of onclick="ajaxFunction(this.id)", I tried onclick="ajaxFunction("december08")" and it didn't work.Also, as it is, nothing is in the main page until I click a button to populate it. So at the top of the javascript I added...

window.onload="ajaxFunction("december08")";function ajaxFunction(buttonID){var xmlHttp;tryetc.....

This also seems like it should work but it doesn't. So there is something fundamentally wrong with the way I understand how to pass variables into functions.

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onclick="ajaxFunction("december08")"window.onload="ajaxFunction("december08")";I copied and pasted those right out of your message. Assuming they're accurate, your double quotations are nested. You need "ajaxFunction('december08')" . I'm just reminding you of this, right? :)There is nothing in this that shouldn't work, if buttonID is a correctly formed string.xmlHttp.open("GET",buttonID+".html",true);What kind of error messages have you been getting? Any hints there?

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Hah! The funny thing is that it does work in FF etc. It shouldn't, but maybe those guys have loosened this thing up.You can assign an event handler a reference to a function, or a string of javascript that includes a function. Normally, when you pass a function and some parameters in the parentheses, you have to pass it in a string, not by reference. Passing by reference looks like this:window.onload = ajaxFunction;Try this: window.onload = 'ajaxFunction("current")';

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I don't know either. I'm addicted to beta versions, and Firebug doesn't work in Firefox beta.Anyway, I downloaded all your stuff. I'm really not sure why the onload handler isn't working with the string. The good news is that it still works with a function pointer. So pass it this anonymous function, and you should be good. It works in FF, Safari, and Opera. I haven't tested in in IE, but I have confidence, because this is my habitual way of assigning event handlers that require arguments.

window.onload = function () {	ajaxFunction("current");}

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