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Client Email Form -> Ms Access Db


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I am fixing up my company's web page because it is 4 years out of date and we need to make it useable for our clients. I have read all over the HTML tutorial, PHP tutorial, SQL tutorial, but have yet to find out what i need to do. Forgive me if I missed a thread or post that provides this information, but I am in desperate mode to get this done so I can get back to my real job.No hiring some one to do this is not an option.Background:We have a small business with 1000+ clients. We need to get their queries and put them into our MS Access database. We are currently doing this with HTML form, then manualy inputing them into our db. But that takes so much time for our staff:client ratio, even one of us picking something from the printer can be a waste of time (seriously). So having our staff manualy put all the clients query and information into Access db is just killing too much time.Computers/Software used:office 2000MS Access DBOur website:Now: HTML email form, html everything. basically, a stone age web page.After I finish redesigning: Log-in access, document access, Japanese and English versions of web page, and hopefuly a form that gets inputed into Access db :)Objective:we need a way for this data to be put into our database by any means possible with out a (paid) human doing it.so basically, when the client hits send on the form, we need it to end up in Access db.any help is appreciated, any info you need to help you help me I will give, criticism OK.

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You can use a server-side language to interface the form data directly with your Access database. What sort of server do you have?

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You can use a server-side language to interface the form data directly with your Access database. What sort of server do you have?
NEC Aspire S - IP 1D KSU S11&1 Server Control PanelI am not that keen on server-side languages, but from the sound of it, it might just be easier. If i can do it that way that is. If there is anything else you need to know, feel free to ask.Thanks for the help Synook.
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Sorry, I was thinking of what operating system / software you were running, e.g. Linux or Windows, Apache or IIS.

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