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Image Inside A Div!


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Hello!im having some issues with a image.1) I have created a div and i have put a background image on that div. 2)know, i have put a image inside that div i created..and it is always in the center by default.My question is: How do i move or position that images inside the div. I have tried margin-left/rigth but it doesent seem to work,...the VSPACE OR HSPACE arethe only ones that works(in firefox only but not in EI) im looking for a way to make it work on firefox and in EI).Tks..in adv-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<html><head><meta/><title>My personnal page_learning_test</title><style type="text/css" media="all">body{ background-color:#e0edc5; text-align:center; }#top_square{ margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; }#little_squares{ margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; }#blue_square{ width:600px; height:145px; background-image:url(images/center_div1.jpg); (this is the div that has a background image margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; }#link_squares{ margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; } #green_square{ width:600px; background-color:#fff; overflow:hidden; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; } #bottom_square{ margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; } </style></head><body><div id="top_square"><img src="images/top_1.jpg" width="600px" height ="12px"/></div><div id="little_squares"><img src="images/little_squares1.jpg" width="600px" height ="131px"/></div> <div id="blue_square"> <img src="images/gray-square.jpg" width="348px" height="111px" /> this is the image that goes inside the div,how can i move the image the way i like? </div><div id="link_squares"><img src="images/green-rectangle.jpg" width="600px" height="35px"/></div><div id="green_square" /><img src="images/green_box.jpg" width="207px" height="298px" align="left"/></div><div id="bottom_square"></div></body></html>

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You can use position:relative in conjunction with left: and top: to arbitrarily move elements in relation to their original positions.

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