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Upload Issue?


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I am working on a website. I have two designs. I am trying to change back to the orginal. I am using a ftp and dreamweaver. I have double checked that is uploaded correctly, but it will not change. I cleared my internet browser and that didnt work either. thankswww.facesoflife.org

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Try creating a duplicate copy of your main folder(public_html htdocs etc) and then rename your old copy by adding an X at the end (public_htmlX). Reupload to the new folder and try it again. It will give you an idea as to the problem.
I am not able to make a copy of this folder. I reuploaded everything but it hasn't changed. hmmmm
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have you contacted your hosting company? are you sure its actually the older version your uploading? If you have the site your trying to replace backed up somewhere, just clear out the entire contents of the root directory on your host space (kind of like reformatting your hard drive) and then upload the replacement site.

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