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Curved corners of a div


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By new version of IE do you mean IE8 or IE9?IE8 does not support the border-radius property. IE9 will, but IE9 isn't even close to being released. It's still in testing stages.Firefox does support it, but you need to use the prefix -moz to use it. Like so: -moz-border-radius: 5px;

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I'd recommend the 3 border radius's for Firefox, Safari and Chrome (and possibly Opera, i cant remember), including the CSS3 spec, so when browsers do support it, you site wont get square edges:.rounded{border-radius:4px;-moz-border-radius:4px;-webkit-border-radius:4px}Then use some javascript magic for IE only, using the conditional comments to target IE, so the javascript doesnt get called up by the more modern browsers. Theres tons of Javascript rounded corner scripts out there, so just find the right one for you.No images used, no JS used (except IE), is both forwards and backwards compatible, no extra markup needed.:)

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