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Scripting help needed!


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Hello W3Schools members!I need some help from you guys! I need your suggestions to improve my website. :) Well, I have problem as well on my website. :) If I make my browser (Mozilla Firefox) smaller than Maximize, my buttons and pictures place will be different than the real place of it. ;) Sorry for my bad English! :) Here's my website URL: http://www.nmzware.co.nr/ragecabalonline.html http://www.nmzware.co.nr/Please help! :)

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Everyone has different screen resolutions, and so what is "maximised" for you will not be what is "maximised" for everyone.Anyway, the elements flow underneath each other when the width is too small simply because that is the way your floated elements work - they will wrap around if the width is too small. You can set a fixed width for their parent element if you don't want that to happen.P.S. I recommend validating your page.P.P.S. Why did you disable right-clicking?

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Synook is understating the problem when he suggests that you validate your page.The fact is that you are breaking many significant rules of HTML. Most pages can survive if you break only small rules, but that is not the case here. I'm talking about important rules. Seriously, there is no hope for a reasonable solution to your problem if you do not make significant corrections first.Validating your page will show you where the corrections are needed. The most important ones involve your <body> and <html> tags. (You have too many.)Be sure also to add a doctype at the top of your page. Without one, different browsers will render your page very differently. Ideally, you should begin writing standards-compliant HTML so that you can use a strict doctype. This will make sure that Explorer renders your pages the same way that all the other browsers do. But at the very least, correct the errors so the document will validate as a transitional document.

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Hello.Sorry for late response.I can`t validate my web site. Maybe because the link you gave is broken. :) Anyway, I should learn some HTML. See ya!

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I really can`t validate my website. So please, it`s much good if you validate my web site. :) Anyway, I need to clean my web site as well. Could anyone will help?My web site URL is http://nmzware.webs.com/ragecabalonline.html/Also how to kill or removed the frames in lower of my web site? That saying create a free website on Webs? :) Thank you!

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you should really validate the site yourself, so you can see the errors and the corrections you need to make, which is a good first step in cleaning up your website. Definitely go into it having a Strict DTD though, it may "make" more errors, but a site validating to a strict DTD will have fewer (potential) problems in the long run.

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You could try absolute positioning. Seriously though, you need to go through and fix your tags, validate your page, get a doctype in there and run it through a debugger like DebugBar. Why "can't" you validate your page? Also, everything you need is on this site. Pay special attention to "CSS Positioning". You say you're new to HTML? This is a great place to learn how to do it. I wouldn't expect anyone to just hop in, re-write your page and throw you a bunch of good, solid, validated code though, Most of have our own projects!

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You could try absolute positioning.
I wouldn't go throwing that suggestion around lightly. 9/10 there's a better (read: easier, practical) way. If he wants thing to stay "maximized" then you need a fluid layout with min/max width, not absolute positioning.
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Which is why I suggested to start reading. I'm still not entirely clear on the intended end result. By the sounds of it, everything is wrapping when the screen size is reduced? Is he looking for everything to shrink down and fit the new size of the window, everything to stay static and scroll bars to appear, ????If a knucklehead like me can learn to halfway competently do this stuff with a little reading and doing, anyone can!

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