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how can i use a filter in function


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can i put 2 functions in a code?ie.i got this:

function isValidEmail($email=' '){return preg_match("/^[\d\w\/+!=#|$?%{^&}*`'~-][\d\w\/\.+!=#|$?%{^&}*`'~-]*@[A-Z0-9][A-Z0-9.-]{1,61}[A-Z0-9]\.[A-Z]{2,6}$/ix",$email);}

can i put another function for filtering AGE?..what is the code i need?..thx...

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This should work:

function isValidAge ($age) {   $re = '/^\d{1,3}$/';   return $age != "0" && preg_match($re, $age);}

This assumes that $age is a string. It will return false if $age is "" or "0", if there are more than 3 characters, or if any of the characters are not digits.

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FWIW, a professional should be able to write excellent code using only Notepad. It's the programmers who can't work without Dreamweaver that I worry about. :)

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I think arden was asking if he can principally (in theory if you will) put two functions in a file... and to answer that, in the words of Obama - Yes, we can!You can put as much functions as you want on a PHP page. However, as you should've realized by now, code within a function is only executed when you call the function, i.e. when later in your code you have something like (to follow your example):


or (more likely for this particular function):

if (isValidEmail('myemail@example.com')) {

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I think I just felt like testing a regex. In (almost) the words of Robert Duvall, "I love the smell of regex in the morning." Of course, it's only morning where I am. :)

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thanks for all your help guys..hehe.. yes we can.. :) now my new problem is UPLOADING an image..i got no idea about this one..i saw the FILE UPLOAD in php.. as of now i got no idea how to use it..

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